9.0 is on the PTR now, beta feedback thread ignored once again

I did the same, think i have 10 days before my sub ends…

Probably i come back on pre patch but SL i will go tank, another class or wait a year to see what happen


We are. Not a big deal
I’ll check the realize. If Ret sucks I don’t buy SL. I’ll prefer to play Overwatch or Civilization 3

Just remove Hammer of Wrath from being usable only during Avenging Wrath. Its damage has been so bad for a while now, it’s not a special ability anymore. Let us just not be starved on holy power 24/7 and allow us to use it at anytime.

It used to be an execute that hit hard, and that was a special empowerment to use it during wings. But now it hits as much as any other generator, let it be one usable at any time.


I think this would go a long way.

Not really understanding the people that are just now wanting to quit ret. it’s better in shadowlands based on what I played than both BFA and legion off the rip.

I want more to be done for sure, but I find it odd that any lack of changes would have only caused people to quit now.

People will only tolerate being ignored for so long before they lose their paitence.


My patience has been toyed with for too long, it has now broken off. If there’s no significant change coming up i’m donw with ret.

All they keep getting is laughter at their face


blizz is completely out of touch with ret. still garbage mobility. still garbage covenant skills. ashen hollow is a huge meme. still have ret aura. still stuck with yellow combo points. we needed big changes and all they did was change blessing of fairies 20 times.


Yeah I really hope we get more meaningful changes. And I still don’t even like the night fae covenant ability lol

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Enhancement isn’t sitting pretty. From the numbers that are being seen they will at thr bottom again this expansion. Blizzard has not addressed their survivability issues. So again shamans will be in a place of shame. Most will have a token Enhancement Shaman for Windfury totem but thats about it.

Wasn’t this when they hired Ion as game director?

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You know what is really sad? That crap design aparently will continue in SL


He didn’t become game director until 2016, he was on the encounter (bossfights) design team until 2015 when he became assistant director.

It is sitting pretty though outside of number tuning.

Enhancement went from one of the lamest melee specs in the game to one of the best mechanically. Played it on the PTR and it’s much more satisfying than ret paladin is at the moment

Go look at the shaman forums. Its all doom and gloom.

I’m really not surprise at how they are treating pally, the had always hate ret pally since vanilla. We always got all the necessary tools that are normal for everyone else to have years after everyone else.

Stuff we asked since vanilla:
a gap closer - tons of pally asked for a leap years before they added it to warrior, I bet they gave it to warriors just to piss the pally community off

spell counter(kick) - took them all the way until cata for us to get one when every class had a version of it, either in the form of a silence or a kick.

speed reduction - did not even have 1 until MoP but it was in the form of a seal so we had to choose either to slow some1 at the cost of a large portion of our dmg or to do more dmg while other classes didnt have to; until recently when they gave use hand of hindrance. So we have no gap closer but could not slow people down while we have to manually run to others, while every1 and their moms had a speed reduction abilities all those years before pally got 1.

So yeah, I’m not surprise at all that blizzard still hates pally, especially ret and we will likely not get a gap closer til maybe 4 expansion from now.

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This is only partially correct. Not every class had a snare baked into their rotation… If a warrior wants to snare someone they have to spend rage on hamstring instead of damage, DK had to spend a rune on CoI instead of damage or talent into chillbains at the cost of not having a stun.

Not everyone is a rogue with crippling poison… Speaking of which… For most of rogue’s existence they were in fact trading off damage for a slow, because putting crippling poison on a weapon means they aren’t putting a damage poison there.

We are not going to quit playing.
Well, actually… I quit during WoD until they changed their minds and added flight back in. I quit for a bit in 8.2 and 8.3 because it was so darned dull, and I’m only playing now because a friend gifted me a pre-order, and they wanted me to play with them in the meantime.

Ret being dull and slow and badly designed is not encouraging me to stay. My main has been Ret since 4.3 (barring a bit in Legion) and I always level my Pally first. If levelling sucks because Ret is badly designed, I’ll be gone again once I hit 60.


Hell look at how many balance druid’s said we don’t want eclipse back it don’t work it never did and still we got eclipse my faith is slowly fading with this team.


Those abilities are nothing compare to what pallys had to sacrifice just to slow an enemy, though you are partly correct that those abilities don’t dmg, but the amount of dmg pally have to trade off is far bigger than those classes having to use just a different ability out of their normal rotation. Switching to seal of justice is 1 GCD, waiting on auto-attack is too long so we have to crusader strike with is another GCD, then switching back to the previous seal is 1 more GCD. This is not “baked into” our rotation, when using slows it is usually not baked into a classes’ rotation unless they are a frost mage & rogue with their poisons. Also rogue have deadly throw sense TBC, so while every1 else can 1 GCD and a few resources to slow their enemies pally had to use 2 GCD or 3 if switching back seals & also use some resources since we have to “melee” attack the enemy. The only other class that had it almost as bad as us were warlocks, since they had to switch pet just to use certain tools but they still had the tools unlike us & had snares & CC to balance out not being as mobile as mage or can’t heal & shield up like priest.

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I play this game for so long that wasnt suprise at all blizzard ignore feedback

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