9.0 is on the PTR now, beta feedback thread ignored once again

There are small things like judgment for Protection still not generating holy power that I hope will get fixed still even if the grand redesign ambitions don’t materialize.

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I thought Crusader Strike was too expensive. They increased it’s cost even further. I don’t like casting Holy Light. They reduced it’s cost and increased it’s heal and made it the major benefactor of IoL. I think I’m just out of touch with the majority whether that’s the player base or the design team.


The design team is out of touch with what the subscribers want. They have been since I don’t know wotlk/cata??? They keep implementing things that we didn’t ask for and then taking away things that we wanted to keep.

Or in this case, implementing something we wanted back (the auras) and performing this on an epic scale of failure.

But this is what Blizzard ALWAYS does with the retribution paladin. Makes us worse, and then gives us slight buffs mid way through the expac, and it’s just enough to give us hope that they will actually fix the class. I’ve been watching this for a long, long time.


I was that way. I mained Prot War since TBC but had to re-roll in BFA because they are terrible and their class design is lost. No D stance, lost shield slam dispell. No Single target damage anymore. Of course I am referring to PvP couldn’t care less about PvE and only do PvE so I can get PvP gear.

Let me repeat that last part again… and show why the Devs don’t listen. I couldn’t care less about PvE and only do PvE so I can get PvP gear. Look how many years it took for the Devs to add PvP vendors back just so I can enjoy the game. It’s crazy how much they don’t listen.

So now I am a Prot Pal main because I wanted to keep my shield for PvP. I ended up here because the Devs stopped listening to the players years ago. If my main spec wasn’t unviable I would be playing it. At least in Prot Pal I found a home and has the play style I need for now.


I was talking about holy but I get that impression too. But I’m open to the possibility that Blizzard has metrics I’m not privy to. I just wish I knew what they were because all the information I have available to me says the pally community and the design team aren’t on the same page. It’s possible they have decided to go with an internal test group that doesn’t necessarily reflect the ideas of the larger community. I don’t know. I’m just guessing.


To be fair, I did try my hand at holy for a very short time during this xpac. And I didn’t like it at all. Was not fun to heal. Not sure how you put up with it this whole time. /salute

It seems to me that aside from maybe Prot, the paladin class is getting a larger nerf this go around. This is sadly why I will most likely shelf my pally for the first time in who knows how long and pick up my unholy dk instead. At least that’s a fun rotation with fun spells and such.


I know your feeling… Best warr prot moment imo was gladiator in wod… oh boy, tank spec but for dps… so good, so good…

Sad that some pve nobrain ppl using gladiator to tank dung and raids lmao and blizzard though the way to go was remove the talent… Jesus christ


Yea it was amazing I had a Prot/Glad War PvP channel. It was fun. Dead now obviously lol.

Yea but now I am super confused cause they gave every warrior Dps spec Shield Slam/Shield Block and Ignore Pain. Sooooo I don’t get it.

It’s alright, I’m with you on all of these things. Crusader strike is way too expensive right now. I literally ran out of mana hitting dummies for a few minutes. That should NEVER happen.

I can understand some incentive to cast Holy Light, but Flash of Light still needs to be a reasonable option, otherwise there’s just no reason for it to even interact with Infusion of Light because it’s just a wait. I’m hopeful that changing to reduced mana cost for Flash of Light works out well enough. I’m alright with having some incentive to cast Holy Light, as long as it’s not the only reasonable filler options for healing between Holy Shock and Word of Glory/Light of Dawn.

After playing on the PTR a bit, Divine Purpose needs to be baseline. This class feels so unbearably slow and all talent options feel mandatory just to actually have an active rotation outside of buff management.

Holy crap this is not lookin good :frowning:


The class reworks in general were completely exaggerated (surprise). Many of the unpruned abilities they have re-added are basically useless.

Ret got holy avenger or whatever back at least. Word of Glory seems to heal way too little to bother using for 3 holy power. Same as flash of light to a single target. The only thing that ever made it useful as a small single target heal was the fact that auto-attacks did a lot of your overall dmg. Not the case anymore.


I’ve done minimal testing on the PTR, there are some positives and negatives.

Concecration (ignoring the fact that it does minimal damage) does add to the rotation and reduce spec downtime, so I suppose I’ll take that as a silver lining. But to say it’s lackluster is putting it much too kind.

With the addition of Seraphim, it feels like our set up is just going to take absolutely forever to get the ball rolling. I already know Seraphim is going to be the cookie cutter as how well secondaries scale the longer an expansion goes on.

That’s a total of nine HP generation with the addition of Inquisition & Execution sentence. Other specs can just run in and do minimal set up for their opener while we Crusader Strike our way through the muck to get the ball rolling and hopefully the boss has enough HP left for our set up to pay off on the meters.

Deathknights as well as us are already known as the “Wheel chair” class based on our horrid mobility, it seems blizzard wants us to be Wheel chair in our set up as well.

I keep getting disconnected as well and can’t see this in game. But I’ve heard another paladin say that Hammer of Wrath is no longer usable during Avenging Wrath, can anyone confirm?

Edit: Just got in, and no. Can no longer use Hammer of wrath during wings. Wow, this feels bad, incredibly bad. I think that’s the nail in the coffin for me.


Hey now, you get back the ability to use HoW in wings at level 58.

Yes, Blizz took it away to artifically stretch leveling power progression, and Yes, that was an awful choice


You do realize that is intentional correct? They made mention of removing generation from Judgment for Prot because…reasons.


There’s still time, given that other classes have gotten recent large changes. Mostly positive from what I can tell.

I really hope ret paladin gets another pass. It honestly doesn’t even need that much work compatibly. Adjust some of the talents, a better mobility option, and smooth out the dead time in the rotation.

You can, you just need HoW rank 2.

…learned at level 58… :)))))

Pretty much this, Concecration is alright i guess, but it adds almost nothing to the spec. I really hope this doesn’t make it’s way into the ST rotation because it’s not extremely fun to press.

Seraphim feels amazing to press on the PTR, but that could be due to the “twink” level of gear when we scale down to level 50. But yeah, without Divine Purpose it’s just so bland.

I really hope Seraphim replaces Inquisition in the talent tree as it does feel better.

Healing Hands is also completely useless, I hope that’s a place holder…


I think i will tank when SL comes out

Looks like ret pallies will be one of the worse specs of shadowlands


There are just some realities we just have to swallow:

  1. Blizzard runs a business not a charity.
  2. At the moment it is profitable.
  3. It is not profitable to fix a product people will always buy into.
  4. We are not going to quit playing.
  5. The people who control the WoW media and could possibly call a class player strike will never do so because they are on the payroll.
  6. Blizzard does what Blizzard wants.
  7. Blizzard has no plan or need to fix us.
  8. Read this again starting from the top.

…also ret aura is staying as is, forever. Have a good day!

I may be the exception from the rule but I canceled my sub yesterday. It’s ret or bust for me and I refuse to pay them for what they deliver. So I got 10 days to leave feedback til my sub runs out.