9.0 is on the PTR now, beta feedback thread ignored once again

I just want em to revert the Word Of Glory change or give Ret a talent option so we can opt for the old one, the old one wasn´t game breaking and it fit the fantasy of us helping ur allies escape danger while fighting (using ur hp to heal the party), i really dislike the lay on hands talent which has no use in pvp.

I personally dont like the current WoG in BFA… I prefer a strong ST heal over an AoE with a 1 minute cooldown. The only real problem with Shadowlands WoG is it doesn’t heal enough for the HP cost.

A talent to get the BFA version back is the best solution though, then both sides can get the one they prefer… I just hope they make the single target one we have now worth casting.

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Unfortunately I wouldn’t hold my breath. Ret offhealing isn’t wanted anymore by the devs, that’s quite obvious at this point.
Call it fluff, like most of the things we got from unpruning (SotR, lmao).

Good rogue’s swapped weapons. They even added shiv to 100% apply offhand poison for this reason.

Ok, so what was the difference between that and swapping seals? Swapping weapons in combat invokes a GCD, just like switching seals does.

So what they want of ret pally?
No off healer, no damage, no mobility, no rotation, crazy talents…

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And the icing on the cake of bad is our defensives are lackluster as well. If we at least had good selfhealing that would be one thing, but Blizzard seems to be determined to make the best selfhealing classes in the game the ones that don’t actually have any healing spells, contrary to all logic and reason.


Speccing prot or holy, I guess?


Retribution is 70% less effective (other specs unaffected).


Just speccing prot as holy is even worse off than ret. Our class is gonna be a dumpster fire if it goes live without anymore changes. I wish I could test covenants and leggos to see if I even wanna play the class I’ve played for 15 years, but I sadly have to test the boring and horribly scaled leveling and dungeons over something I intend to waste a ton of time on.

I can struggle through an awful leveling experience, but doing that struggle and getting to a completely useless end result of a spec is what scares me the most.

Is this some sort of epiphany? They have never cared. They fired all of the people that were there to listen to us. If that does not tell you how much they care, nothing will.

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lol, sweet, summer child. Your naivety is precious.

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Shadowlands Beta - Additional Paladin Changes just in from MMO-Champions!

Nada. Zip. Nothing.

Whoever is in charge of the Paladin class, please give us an idea of what is going on with your plans with the class since it appears nothing is happening. I can not imagine that this it. Is this a late April Fool’s joke like Diablo and mobile gaming?


It’s worst than nothing. It’s big nerfs to the only things we had going for us.

We honestly need a post explaining the recent Paladin changes because none of them make sense.


I’d like to know too, I’m fairly confident we will be getting changes so I’m not super concerned about that

What I am concerned about is they keep trying to fix blessing of seasons instead of just scrapping it. It’s not an interesting ability and the maintenance of this buff management doesn’t seem fun


It because Holy and Ret are a complete mess, lol.

Covenant abilities are ALL a mess, not a single one looks “good” or “fun” to use.
Auras are ALL a mess, not a single one looks “good” or “fun” to use.


  • Holy Power needs to be scrapped.
  • IoL change reverted
  • Focus on fixing our talents as we are about to have to spec into just being a BfA paladin. So, so many dead talents.


  • Fix our Mobility
  • Fix our mess of a talent tree
  • Give us actual AoE choices outside of Divine Storm
  • Give us actual good raid/group utility - Scrap BoSac
  • Give us a worthwhile snare and fix all our PvP talents

oh good more adjustments to our terrible covenant abilities that could probably all use a redesign and 0 changes to our actual spec.



The important bit is as follows…

“Now that we’re moving into the tuning phase for all classes”

Well, this doesn’t bode well… Once we get to the tuning phase we generally stop seeing changes to mechanics and revamps/replacements of talents…

So, yeah, we’ve very likely been ignored entirely, yet again.


Yeah this makes me really nervous. They’ve been great about adjusting most the other classes and specs. I wasn’t concerned about us getting changes until I read that like about entering the tuning phase.

Ret is functional but really needs a lot of upkeep

And holy is a complete mess.

I really hope entering the tuning phase doesn’t mean big changes are done because we reallt still need them.

If they don’t fix mobility I really hope they address fluidity of the rotation and our talent tree for ret


if, this late in the game, it’s too late to make positive changes to design, blizz has two obvious choices left.

Buff the unfun, broken and/or boring aspects into competitive relevancy, see how many are satisfied with that

Or ignore players who will keep paying subscription anyway.

Vote with your wallet