did you pay it???
I didn’t buy the Epic TWW for early access I brought it cause of the Mount …pet and other things like 1,000 Extra Trading post Tenders…I might still order the Collectors set…but since I been told my rent is going up $178 in Sept now that idea got put to the back burner now…
During the last year, the wow token dropped below 200k. Meaning that If you farmed a little the big gold’s quest in the last 2 years, on let say, 5-8 toons you could have made more than 20k per week (playing less than 1h per week) meaning the 30$ extra would have cost you 20h of in-game. Personally my game time is worth more than 1.5$ per hours so I did not mind paying the 30$ but if someone else has more time than money, they have the opportunity to do so. Everything can be bought with in-game currency except 1 month of game time every few years as per Blizzard ToS.
Also, the Dev made sure you lose absolutely NOTHING with the release on Monday night since early bird will be out of your way in starting area and will most likely take Monday off the game before the weekly reset on Tuesday. We do not get the hero talents and we don’t get the crafting point. If you really wanna min max the game without the early access, sit at the AH starting tonight, and play the AH with the cheap reagents that will show up.
Create wealth and in 2 years join us with your accumulated digital wealth .
I did not want to seem condescending but I’m a little piss a people giving Popo (can’t say the other word) to Blizzard by charging a premium to people like me to have a better leveling experience and at the same time giving you guys a better experience and hopefully stable servers…
It’s not why I paid, and it didnt need to be there.
will you pay the 90
Yea and these will be annual now, not bi-annual, on top of the 15 a month we already pay. Worth? I think not…
did you pay it
I surprised they haven’t announced a 11.1 early access pass
what if they offer a free hug with it?