Go get 'em Blizz crew. Should make them pay for everyone’s down time too.
Definitely the coffee. Pumpkin spice latte is a thing now.
Keep up the good work
hey how about a comma there
Ummm do you really believe there’s “streamer privilege” for a ddos attack? Oy.
they hacked several other sites according to their bragging. wikileaks and a few others.
PSL is the shortened version of PMSL - Pissing myself laughing. Which is what I do whenever someone suggests I put pumpkin in my coffee.
Hi … just wondering if i have enough time to go and see a movie or something… you know, while we wait.
Lol. But they use real pumpkin now!
First of all, thanks for the laugh.
You are more than welcome to cancel your subscription at any given time. In fact, I encourage it. I’m only saying what the CS reps WANT to tell you.
Seriously, I think it’s time for you to put the game down. If this is taken this much of a toll on you, I think it’s time to go experience life. Pathetic.
How does a Billion dollar company let this happen? Wow…
I am not an IT person, so no I don’t think I could do better. A multi-national corporation should be able to do better.
Financial institutions have been able to stop these types of attacks, so I doubt the solution is something that is completely unknown. It’s not like they were not given a heads up.
I never complain about the services that Blizzard provides and gladly pay my $15 a month. The issue that I have is they were given a heads up about the attack. They didn’t say anything that I saw about the first attack and there is still no information on the Battlenet home screen. At least tell people what is going on.
I look forward to my compensated game time for all these issues
Appreciate everything you folks are doing, Orlyia…Give 'em Hell!
The attacks were literally aimed at Asmon and Sodapoppin. It only extended to other servers after morons gave this idiot the attention he wanted.
Just give them their dang Sweaty Fedora cosmetic hat and MLP mount, that should sate these bloated, unflushed toilets.
I would presume that the servers will be offline for the majority of the day today ~ 12 hours as the DDOSer in mention will be actively attempting to take down the servers for the rest of the day as they are receiving the attention that they were seeking in the first place and the Devs will need time to go over the data and develop new security measures to counter future attacks. So don’t plan on playing wow today, get your other projects completed and plan on coming back fresh on Sunday.
Ok. Why in the world do hackers attack a game like wow? people who play wow have already lost hope in all things life and this is there last line of hope. They should attack something important at least
The important thing is, will all subscribers receive compensation for the time when access to the game (service) is interrupted?
It’s 2019 people, and investing a little in DDoS attack protection is the minimum to have a good quality of service.
Robots are going to replace everybody’s job in 5 years.
But we’ll never be able to stop a few 16 year old’s from taking down Skynet.