Seems like an expansion to me. They are probably still fleshings out. As one person pointed out there is no release date set, and we still have another content patch to go through before the expac. I’m glad there’s no new races at this point, or classes. Gives them time to hopefully fix the classes that they have right now before they can move forward with adding more. I am curious to find out more information about the expac until I will truly and fully judge it.
if im going to have maelstrom,rockbitter,lavalash and stormstrike its the same as bfa.
all you class abilities are will divided up by levels now level 1 rockbitter,level 2 lava lash and level 3 enter passive here ect… its going to be like that but still bfa class design.
I totally disagree with the OP. Less features does not mean worse, in fact I’d argue it’s the opposite.
What we need is the dev team to focus on fixing some of the core issues we have right now like class design/balance, end-game systems (gearing and character progression), fixing leveling, etc… After all that is fixed then they can try new stuff but that should never take precedence over making sure that the “core” game mechanics are in a good place.
I’d say probably the main issue with BFA was that they put too much attention on the “new” content to the point where they left the main and “core” game mechanics unattended… The result was terrible class design, broken character progession and systems, etc.
So I’m actually glad we don’t have a new class or new races announced nor a multitude of different things and instead they seem to want to focus on fewer major features that are indeed addressing some of the core issues of the game:
For the terrible state of leveling: Level squish and leveling revamp.
For end-game progression system: Covenants.
For class design: Depruning. (Hopefully it goes along with a full review and re-balance in terms of utility provided by each class too).
I much rather see them focus on making those as good as they can be, if they deliver on that (along with the obvious new zones, dungeons, raids, etc) we would be looking at a very good expansion regardless of how good or bad everything else is.
From what I remember the only really “new” feature is the Maw (or however the tower/prison thing is called), which fine one thing is ok.
Anyway it’s waaay too early to really tell how things will turn out, or how are they looking even. But at the very least I’m optimistic that they seem to want to focus on those core things.
I think we need to wait for more information and views of the new content before we pass judgement of whether or not it looks like a content patch or expansion.
So, you dislike BFA? That’s what I gathered? Because the number of zones is a super weird metric to get bent out of shape over. The size of my wallet isn’t the most important metric in my pocket, either.
I get it, you want something to hate on. It’s cool, it’s edgy. It’s also ridiculous, and every time I read one of these threads it makes me groan and roll my eyes. This is immature. You want to pick on SL so you’re picking on SL based on what you have, but you’re inferring negatives about what you don’t.