Ru rogh. You rinked an Asmongold rideo…
I dont normally link his videos, but for once he’s actually correct on the stance.
Like how people actually think they’re getting a deal buying the 6 month sub for an item. LMAO
That is true or you could just 20 bucks for it I guess. It’s a transmog stuff. i don’t care too much about it. I won’t get it. Even if it was something you could get in game. >.<
If people are so adverse to pay real life money, just farm gold, buy the tokens and boom you get the set, using ingame currency.
It’s always good to save $$$
I’m not sure what’s going here, I have a 6 month sub, but didn’t receive this set yet
I sell rival carries for 200k per toon, I dont care about the price, it’s the fact they’re offering cosmetics for money instead of just giving us a cool questline to earn it. I mean god, they put more work into that set than any of the Nzoth sets.
If you have a recurring 6 month sub set up right now, you should get it, but they could be delaying the push of these to fans that have it set up like that. They did it like that last time.
That’s why I have 401ks
Plus I alway put some money into savings
you will get it by the end of the month says in the article
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Honestly that set looks awful and I’d only really want to wear it ironically on my Death knight/Demon Hunter.
Ahh ok I see now, this happened last time with the Drake, thanks for reminding me
The only thing I’m looking forward to currently is the crafted sets for SL. I mean it actually looks like they want to reward the player a little for obtaining the mats and needs.
Have you seen the blacksmithing plate mogs for SL, now that’s meaningful progression right there.
There is so many things wrong with this…
- Way too much to be charging for a transmog.
- This shouldn’t even be the reward for a six month subscription. Keep the mounts.
- This doesn’t target the main demographic. Can you please stop pretending like you don’t know what that consists of. You are well aware of who it is.
- Even as a transmog it is lackluster for almost 100$.
- Now even if this was meant to target women. (As they consist of the most cosplayers) I can’t even wear this as a skirt (which it was in the original picture and concept) if I wanted to because of them not allowing invisibility on every single armor slot.
Stop trying to make controversy.
For people who already intend to play for those 6 month, or those who ALREADY have a 6 month sub, it IS a deal. Anyone else who wants it but doesn’t want to buy a 6 month sub can get it separately for 20 bucks.
I’m not going to read through 200+ posts, so if this was already mentioned, then my bad.
I have no problem having a transmog as a bonus for purchasing a 6 month sub AS LONG AS they let us have a way to obtain it in-game through quests, grinds, etc.
Having options is best.
Ok, just saw this.
F’ing Bli$$ard
It’s in the shop as a separate purchase option, so you can grind out gold and get wow tokens off of the AH to get it that way.
Ahh yeah… Down with business trying to make money. Edit. I know you weren’t going for that in your original post. Just saying . lol
Oh yeah, so next is they charge us money for high level gear, then charge us money for being allowed to enter into new Zones, then charge us money to be able to play new classes, etc.
Some other games actually do things like that…yeah I’m exaggerating, but not by much. Making money is fine, but stripping the “land” is another thing.
I get your point though.
They did they already. It’s called buying an expansion.