89.94 + tax cosmetics

100% this.
Also it’s a loyalty reward, something requested for over a decade.
The fact that they let non-subs get it at all is surprising.

well, enjoy your F in basic economics bub.

So after replying to you line by line I missed some unspecified point and I would know what that point is if I spend more time here on the forums… Amazing…

It isnt a matter of agreeing with me, I could care less for people like what they like and I wont get in the way of that. The general summarization of this post is that some of us are worried that cosmetics will be the bulk of the store, with little left for the player to earn manually through gameplay. I mean have you literally not seen how every expansion after mop has been recolors of recolors? There’s probably 1 set for each class that looks like time has been put into it.

I dont remember that from Legion.

Legion was filled with recolors of original sets, dont give me that lol.

Yes because those TBC polygons were clearly aging well, amirite?

I think he’s referring to Tomb of Sargeras’ tier sets that were based on Black Temple’s sets.

I know he is. Must be why he invalidated the EN/NH, the ToV, and Antorus sets.

Then you just update the models and provide better current cosmetics for the expansion, I don’t see the issue. and I’m referring to that, and a lot of the pvp sets and so on.

I havent (at least for myself) felt the urge to grind out any of the sets for the following expansions. At least the battle of daz mythic set looked pretty good.

So now the qqtrain has moved onto getting things for free? Further proof that people will qq just for the sake of qqing. Which is also why Blizzard takes all the forum qq with a grain of salt.

The transmog item normally costs $20, yet if you sign up for 6 months you get it for free. (*Yes it’s free, the cost for the 6 month option hasn’t changed.)

Check again, usually we get a mount with a 6 month sub, now it’s a transmog set :unamused:

edit: ok I see now what they are doing… 6 month sub = mount usually, but this transmog set is only available if you buy an additional 6 month sub, so they doubling down on 6 month subs now LOL

Name a game that has done that.

It’s not the act of getting them for free, it’s the act of meaningful progression and earning said items to feel like the player achieved something, you’re literally taught this is game design.

Hang on let me get this on first…

There we go. I don’t think it’s wrong timing. I believe we (the players) kind of give them the benefit of the doubt too many times.

“Well dang Blizzard. Looks like you made a silly mistake again! Who could’ve seen this coming?”

I feel like this is the common response to every mistake that players clearly could spot and say “Yeah, this was a clearly bad idea and the wrong time to do this”

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No game has lived long enough for that to happen.

Oh no, I agree with you. I think its the original cosmetic reward they were planning for the virtual Blizzcon ticket.

Seeing as Blizzcon aint happening this year, they wanted to make some money off it (because it was gonna be the optional reward for buy the special edition).

But to release it during an uncertain time and when the expansion has been delayed was dumb.

Getting a pair of sprite wings is considered meaningful progression now? I’m pretty sure meaningful progression is when a character gets stronger. The wings are only cosmetic.

Then why spend a lot of effort to update years of gear to match current graphics…instead of just making new ones that fit the tiers and the expansion?

I pay $30 every 2 months for a 60 day game card have been doing it since 2009