8,9,10 cloak is now harder to accomplish than 13,14,15

Abduction! :smile:
But they should take you up on your offer

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Okay. Thank you. I didn’t realize catchup mechanics weren’t for actually helping players catch up, only alts. That’s the first I’ve ever heard this, and that seems pretty… lame. But it makes more sense when you put it like that. No wonder I feel so unhelped by this.

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This has got to be the biggest case of entitlement I’ve seen in a very long time. You’re complaining about having to possibly spend 2 vessels to get a couple ranks right now, just because you aren’t yet at the point yet where you don’t have to spend 6+ vessels to get the last few ranks of your cloak later? This is ridiculous.


This catchup specifically helps new/returning players because they can catch up to cloak level 15 more quickly than they could before.


We have blue posts stating each level can be done in ONE run and yet people are still trying to argue that it can’t… because they personally can’t do it??



How is making it so you don’t have to do as many Visions not helping you? Even if you were only able to get 1 page a run, you would still only need to do 4 runs instead of 8 for rank 11.


I never intended to sound entitled, but there’s no way I am ever going to speak for anyone else. I can only speak for myself, how I feel, how this affects me… That’s the only way I know how to speak about this. I’m sorry if I offended you by talking about how this has been not helping me as a player.

He’s not correct. As I said, if you take my offer and I tell you what you need to actually know in order to complete horrific visions in full clears without a problem, you’ll be fine. As other people have said:

Both of these people are proof the amount of pages was reduced to the point of being able to full clear at ranks 10 and 11. All you need to do is actually be able to full clear.

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I’m not saying they aren’t a help. I’m saying it’s a coincidence if they’re helping new and returning players. They’re there to help alts of veteran players, a group that blizzard caters to well. (Which keeps them subscribed.) Blizzard isn’t nearly as good at discerning the needs of new and returning players and helping them.

Like, they took away the ability of alts without the cloak to buy essences. I’ve switched to farming gold unless they decide to fix that. I don’t play the game to get blackmailed into doing their trash content intended to punish players for getting the cloak.

Good luck trying to full-clear at cloak levels 8, 9 or 10.

At those levels, most players don’t have a high enough insanity resistance on their cloaks or enough cloak research to full-clear.

I have a 464 havoc DH alt that just completed cloak level 10 yesterday and got to cloak level 11.

It required 4 pages to get to cloak level 11… which in theory could be done in a full clear. The encounters were easy and dps output was good, but my sanity was running out waaaaaay too fast to complete more than 2 bonus areas during a run. As such, it took me 2 runs to get from 10 to 11.


I have, repeatedly. It’s not hard.


Rank 8 is exactly when I started doing full clears.

Not sure how you struggled as a Havoc DH with 10 and 11. Havoc is one of the few specs that is able to full clear really early on.

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Hm… might be different classes have different toolsets maybe. I guess full-clearing is easier for some classes than others.

If people do the actual reading into potion-grids, consumable usage, K’thir food, proper pathing, etc - any class can full clear without a problem at rank 8 with elite exterminator.

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Shadow Priest. I doubt it is any easier than a Mage (presuming that is the char you did it on), but not sure as I have not tried with a Mage.

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Maybe I should try pulling bigger packs?

I’m used to clearing on my mage with arcane spec. Can’t really pull huge packs on the mage or I run outa mana. I took that mindset in when I got to 11 on my Havoc DH.

They said a Havoc DH.

I am pretty sure I did my first run or two withouth elite exterminator (with very careful orb usage)… it gets super easy once you do have it though.

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