85% is perfect in Dragonriding

After playing the latest build 85% is the perfect flying speed. I would have never dreamed that just 5% would make the change, but it really is a big difference. I really hope you keep this change and thank you so much for making it.


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I’m confused.

Probably talking about the dragonriding speed in Azeroth on the Seeds of Renewal PTR.


fixed the post for clarity.

what was it before 90 or 80?

It was 80.

oh awesome

Yeah if you ignore the % numbers with the older zones being so much smaller that at 85% it feels the same if not faster than in the Dragon Isles.

Fully tested it on the PTR

why would blizzard reduce the flying speed of dragon riding in the old zones?

isnt the speed what makes it so superior to normal flying?

The zones are much smaller and don’t need full dragonriding speed. It is still significantly faster than original flying.


Classic zones weren’t envisioned to have flying, let alone dragon riding, so DR speeds are a little much for them. There needs to be a realistic speed to navigate and maneuver comfortably.

Ironforge at 80% is a challenge. Would be near impossible at 100%.

I’m finding regenerating vigor a bit tougher as we don’t climb so fast. Ground skimming seems more effective.

And it’s 85% of the dragon isles dragonriding speed, correct? What absolute value is that? 600/630%? (I forget what Dragonriding percent is, but it’s definitely variable.

Sometimes the use of percentages gets confusing. Wish it was a speed value and not a ratio.

I understand the reasoning, and this not at you, just typing into the void, but still seems odd to me. The intent is to fly fast and transit long distances, I would think. And thus, going “max temps” everywhere is ideal. If we need a daily driver mount, I think that’s where classic flying comes in.

“It’s too fast, you’ll fly right passed most zones.” And my response is “this is ideal. Dragon riding should be for transcon flying”

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Yes, it’s 664% in Azeroth. That’s 85% of 830.


Why do we even have dragon riding in the old zones if it’s just going to be slower?

You still are. Just slightly slower than the Dragon Isles. Same as Dracthyr have been doing.

The zones are insanely smaller than the Dragon Isles.

It’s still stupidly fast and doesn’t feel any different, imo.

When you have islands larger than an entire continent, you don’t want to make the continent seem insignificant.


That’s true. Blizzard has already done that by not reusing the content once you out leveled them :confused:

(But I’m tracking with what you’re saying!)

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s p e e d

Your not kidding. On the PTR I can fly from Stormwind to Karazhan in less time than it takes me to fly from one of Ohn’ahran Plains to the other. Folks have been using Dragon riding too long. Its distorted their memory of how small the old zones actually are.

People dont realize how big the Dragon isle zones really are. Get on a normal 310% Flyer. Fly from one end of the zone to the other. Reality will set in real fast


Yeah I did normal flying recently in Stormwind and it felt so boring and slow! Ill take any DR I can get.

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