85% is perfect in Dragonriding

I was wondering how long it must take to zip over the old stuff. I bet it’s crazy fast. I should get some goggles and an old fighter piolet helmet.

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Freaky Fast…


Gonna be hell on Earth in here when 85% (Heck even 65%) flying speed crashes the prod servers constantly come patch day.

So… I’ve been away from WoW for awhile… they’re adding Dragon Riding to Azeroth? I hope they are still going to allow traditional flying, too? Because some zones would really suck for trying to actually get to anything with dragon riding. DR is good for long treks, but if all I wanna do is fly up to a mining vein on the side of a hill, DR isn’t very good at that.

on the bright side next winter veil people will still whine about having to “fly back to stormwind”

To be honest, after years of having that holiday sending you all the fricken way up to … crap I don’t even remember what that place is called, is annoying.

They should just instance it, or… gasp put a teleport NPC in the cities to zip you there.

It’s 2023, we don’t wanna fly over the same stupid mountains thousands of times because Blizz doesn’t believe in teleports.

Heck, in Legion, they showed us that they understood and gave us a bunch of teleports to remote places that random quests wanted you to go to, or at least near to… and they never did it again since.

See careful how you word things, they will give us an Old Dalaran port there, and no port back.

That’s what your hearthstone is for.

Or the Dalaran Stone.

Or the Garrison Stone.

Or the Old Dalaran Ring.

Or the Argent Tournament Tabard (I haven’t used it in awhile, is the Stormwind Portal still there?)

lets ignore the speed for a minute and get them to finally add flying to ghostlands , so silly that they dont have it yet, i never go there anymore but still

Ghostlands (and Azuremyst/Bloodmist Isle) are such a niche area, that would need entirely redone from the ground-up, that they deemed it a non-profitable use of resources to remake those six zones (the 2 zones + the capital city), because almost nobody ever goes there, and the people starting their questing in those areas, won’t have flying anyhow at that level.

That zone is awesome. I always level there when on horde even if undead or orc.

If you drop below 50 mph while dragonriding, your mount will explode!

Blizz not nerf things challenge: impossible.