85% dampening

And this is good for the game because…? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in for a decent fix, but this won’t fix anything as any heals do basically nothing @ 60%+ dampening. A rejuvenation will tick for less than 1.5k every 2.5 secs @60% damp… do you really think that’s druid’s heals the reason for such long games?

Also, removing drinking all together will hurt all healers, who are already screwed after the mana changes, even more.

I think we can safely say that the Mana changes weren’t the solution…

Watching some of these rmd teams and the rdruids didn’t go for a single cyclone?

rmd trying to dampen and out Mana by simply trying to pve harder and get more drinks is not exciting game play to watch. Rmd is supposed to be about perfect cc chains… Dampen comps like l/s/d should be about preventing those cc chains.

Literally watched two games of the tourney and couldn’t watch anymore. Literally just two teams pveing into one another :dizzy_face:

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Not to mention, they can also stop your healers drink with a wild charge vortex. You’d have a harder time spelling ur name right than stopping an enemy healers drink.

Bonded souls needs nerfs too.

BTW, i am not saying the drink nerf I said was a good change, I dont htink any of these changes are good, but we have to look at the scope of changes we can get within a hotfix, within a patch, within an expansion.

We can ask for huge changees but we know we can’t get them without an expansion (the CD problem we see nwo)
I also do agreee the bonded souls azerite trait needs to go / get nerfed like pack spirit does