8.3 = full time job?

You had to grind rep for flying this expansion, but it wasn’t that bad. I am not a rep/pve type player, I only do BGs/rated bgs, and I had flying in less than a week just doing the dailies… and it’s account wide.

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RPG content and character development is not “grinding”.

The list above are all defined as “grinding”.


Blizzard adds content

Players: OMG blizz is LITERALLY using physical force to make me play WoW gg slavery emancipation proclamation

Blizzard adds less content

Players: OMG blizzard there is nothing to do, no endgame content GG something something WotLK


Im not complaining about pathfinder just general direction of systems dev team is coming up with,grinding is fine with moderation but it gets boring when its tied to almost every aspect of game.


I may be in the minority here, but I play the game how I want. But, I also don’t strive to be the top geared, or have every essence in the game. Never touched a mythic dungeon, not even LFR. BGs is what I pay for, and it’s enjoyable to me.

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Instant lvl 70 from the quest. Heart 70 gets you a rank 4 essence. Intro quest also gets you one of the new essences rank 1 iirc. So that’s at least 2 decent starting essences off the bat. The others are not hard to get the rank 1 and 2 versions.

So really non existent.

Literally been a thing since wow launched.

I barely even try and have the best traits for my DK at the highest lvl content he does. Not really that hard.

As I said before, you get 2 right off the bat 1 at rank 4 (3 at the very least if they change 4s requirement). Rank 1 of the rest is incredibly easy and so is rank 2. Sure rank 3 might be a bit tougher depending on the essence but its really not bad.

Grinding for a legendary!?!? Say it ain’t so! I should get legendaries for 0 work!

Good lord people…

This basically replaced titanforge farming on the old list of “I dont like grinding”

Everything coming is exactly what every mmo always has you do: grind to get the best gear/ output.

Yall make it seem like you need instant heroic level gear with 3 bis rank 4 essences to be viable for basic content, which isnt the case.

If you are playing your main. Congrats half that list doesnt apply to you.

If your playing an alt, you dont need bis gear immediately. You can grind for it like everyone else did. Until then use what you can, just like everyone else did.


You don’t have to do most of this. So many people act like they need to have every lass decimal of a percentage point or they won’t remain competitive and wont be invited to groups.

The reality is that most players are not good enough to “need” that minute bonus and simply spending time to improve play would be more beneficial.


If you want to do WoW as a full-time job, go into the World First races, push for Gladiator, or try and become a (popular) streamer.

Otherwise, most of the stuff is just there.


Current WoW playerbase…

We love Classic because it’s so grindy!

We hate BFA because it’s so grindy!

The problem is not WoW, it’s the schizophrenic playerbase.


Classic isn’t grindy though.


Says no one ever.


Nothing wrong with criticizing a games gameplay loop. I find the endless chase of WoW to be quite annoying. There are too many systems pilled on top of each other. I would much rather get BiS, with no RNG on top, and play my alts.

I want to play my Shaman. I like playing Shaman; however, the current gameplay loop of BfA and grinding HoA and Azerite gear puts me off from wanting to do my weekly tasks on anything but my main every Tuesday / Wednesday.


There is no way to avoid corruptforged gear as it is 100% drop rate from weekly caches. Most cloaks in the loot table for patch 8.3 will not drop.

So yes they are arm twisting players to do horrific visions and legendary cloak grind.


Wow players come in every shape size and color, what one individual or group may enjoy does not mean others do…


Nailed it.


You need to give up on your BIS mentality. The game no longer works that way. You can be competitive and have lots of fun just playing the game the way they designed it.

If you are Method or some pro group, the yes you’ll be doing some hard grinding and be slowed down by time gates. That’s not 99.999% of us.

Historically, The lovers of the linear path to BIS have also been the loudest “content drought” whiners. In the past they play 24/7 get BIS and then fill the forums with salty tears about nothing to do. Honestly, I’m glad those days are over…

There is a lot to like about wow but If you need BIS to make you like the game then it’s time to move on. If time gates crush your will to live, time to move on. Wow is no longer about linear open paths to BIS.

You really only have to choices:

  1. Come to terms with it and play the game they way they designed it. Find a way to have fun.
  2. Move on

I guess there is a third choice:

  1. Post you dissatisfaction. Scream loudly. Agitate for the version of the game you’d like to see. However, it seems doubtful that this would be productive and lead you to any kind of happiness…

I disagree.

Those that love linear gear progression tend to stick around more on their alts or do more PVP.

The assumption that once you are done gearing that there is nothing to pursue in WoW isn’t true. The problem is that gearing has become the only main game in town for endgame and that is the problem. In the past gearing was a primary focus of endgame but not the only endgame for players. That is a nuanced key difference.


I agree they need to address how alt unfriendly the current design philosophy is. I like alts and have basically given up on them in BFa.

However, I don’t want them to just roll the clock all the way back to the point where you can just no life the game for the win…


Exactly and this was the point of the other thread on the topic. Systems upon systems merely intended to extend the grind. It’s not fun content. What should happen is we do content of some kind, get gear, and can wear and use that gear immediately. There should be no further grinding needed for gear aside from gems and enchants. Let’s go back to that and get rid of these bull :poop: extra endless grind systems.


Have you played Classic? I have and it’s much more chill and easy to gear up in BiS than in Retail. Retail throws you easy epics for casual gear but to really push harder content and get ideal best in slot equivalent gear requires constant grinding. Classic, you do raid, win a piece, and blamo now you have your best in slot. Maybe grind a bit of gold to get an enchant if it needs it and you’re all set for a few months.