8.3 = full time job?

I too like things to be needlessly time gated and convoluted instead of “engaging and fun”


I want less RNG. The only RNG should be is the boss gonna drop what I want from the boss or not.

And not is it going to drop the right piece of gear with the right stats, is it going to titanforge, is it going to have the right traits, will it have the best possible corruption etc.


Patch 8.3 will go down as one of the worst patches in the history of the game. It will be compared to patch 7.3.5.

Just watch!


I love the “BuT wOtLk WaS a GrInD tOo” arguments. When people say this, I have to believe they either have no firsthand experience and are just parroting what they read in the forums, or they’re being obtuse for the sake of being contrarian.

That said, I agree with them that if you don’t enjoy the content, you don’t have to do it. I’m not interested in 8.3’s new corruption systems, so I’ll be running old content/achievements, playing the AH, and leveling alts until I get bored and let my sub lapse (or until 9.0, whichever comes first).


If this is what you consider “complex character development” I feel bad for you.

WoW’s character progression isn’t particularly complex or interesting in the slightest. Much of it is nothing more than a time sink–which is necessary for an mmo.

Still, they should try and do a better job of making it half interesting at least. As is, it’s busywork to get to the content that is at least somewhat engaging.


correct secondary stats

What? Haven’t you had to ‘grind’ (play the game) for correct secondary stats for all of WoW?

AP Grind

Isn’t even much of a grind anymore. I have 65 neck on an alt I barely log into, and all you really need is 75 next patch for the 4th essence slot, 70-75 is like 150k AP?

Azerite armor trait farm

It’s a new patch. If tier sets existed and you were wearing a set, you’d have to earn the new set from the new raid. The new raid drops tons of azerite with proper traits.

Essence farm

They’ve nerfed the requirements for obtaining certain essences and they are releasing new ones with the patch

Legendary cloak farm

This isn’t a farm. You can literally just enter a horrific vision, kill the last boss, and get your cloak upgrade for the first 5 levels. You won’t be doing horrific visions more than 2-3 times a week at max.

corrupted gear correct affix’s farm

You really can’t farm this and you’d be crazy to even try. There are a lot of affixes (probably to deter people from trying to acquire the ‘best’ affix for their class), and all of them are just bonuses on top of the gear with a little risk involved. Play the game and view the corruption affixes as extra.

This patch is wayyyy less grindy than 8.2 was. 8.2 grind before raid even came out:
Farm hundreds maybe even a couple thousand pearls to get your 3-4 benthic bis benthic pieces with sockets and upgraded to 425
farm all of the essences, pre-nerf (blood of the enemy needing 50k honor)
really really had to AP grind this time around since you’d get two additional essence slots, one at 55 and one 10 levels later, 65.


What you call grinds i call chooses you do what you like and ignore the rest you don’t like.

Heaven forbid the game gives us stuff to do.


They don’t honestly have experience as WotLk was not grindy by any means. Not even Cata although some could argue the dailies were kind of grindy. MoP daiies at the start were grindy but they addressed it quickly due to player feedback.

But yeah since WoD the grind in WoW has escalated while the rewards for time put in have been dropping.


Meh I’ve decided I won’t bother, I’ll just take my time and level my little foxes and enjoy them


I hate to do this but, do you have a full time job? Cause I can tell you, a video game will never come close. Unless its your job to play the game and you get paid for it.

If you spend 10+ hours a day for 5+ days a week on a video game, it’s still not something your getting paid for, your family isn’t depending on it for food and heat. You do it for fun, and if it’s not fun, then stop doing it and find something that is.


I had this crazy thing happen this weekend.

I’ve been giving my alts some attention recently, focused mostly just on basic gear.

I was shocked, SHOCKED, that I was able to do WQs, participate in LFR, I joined other mythic runs and EVEN STARTED MY OWN…and people SHOWED UP! I’m not even a tank!

I even did some skinning.

It was extraordinary that I was able to play this game, with other people, and I haven’t done any of those grinds. I don’t even have my second essence slot unlocked and I was still able to play and participate.

I was told this was impossible. That the game was “unplayable” with alts.


It isn’t. It’s unplayable without skill.

If you’re skilled, you don’t have to have essences or any of that other crap. You shoot right to the top.

Grinds are there to keep people like me in vain hope that if we just do our due diligence every day, we’ll get into a group, when we won’t.

None of you complaining about grinds have to grind at all. You can get upgrades from actual content, and be doing actual content, right away.

It’s only really hard in PvP.
In PvE you can flail around and do whatever and still do pretty well.
In PvP you will get crushed hard if you don’t do any grind.


all i can say is thank rngesus one can pay with gold nowadays :smiley:
i would have never paid FIAT for BFA or this next xpack, but can grind the gold selling herbs and ore over less than a week

For arena, you gear up doing arena.

If they quit after the first raid tier, they’ll probably quit again in 2 week’s anyway.

People can hop in and do content at whatever pace they want. You don’t HAVE to do it all the first week. If you don’t HAVE to get every cloak upgrade. If you quit every patch and don’t want to play that much, you don’t need a max lvl cloak as soon as possible.

You want to make it a full-time job? That’s fine. If you don’t, that’s fine too.

Dramatic much?


Reputation was optional back then it was for toys,pets,tabards and mounts now you have to grind for everything,and they are resetting it every patch that crap get old fast.


You mean when folks are no longer clearing the content at all? Yeah, catching up at that point or just taking your time is not going to be an option if you want to do current content while it is actually current.


What’s the benefits package look like? We talkin full comprehensive coverage here or what?