83 Deathknight with 18 talent points after Transferring servers

I just transfered my 83 Troll Deathknight named Limeseltzer from US Faerlina to US Whitemane. Upon logging in, It seems my Deathknight Quests have been reset. Im pacified in town, Had to catch a zep to be able to Gate to Ebon Hold.
Starting quest was avilable, Ported back to ORG after killing patchworks. Friendly now with NPCS. But im lvl 83 with only 18 talent points…
Whats the fix, please help.


I have the same issue on my DK after transferring. Only, i am max level with only 20 talent points. I’ve tried everything i can think of.


Same here, level 85 dk and only 20 talent points after transferring.


The issue still persists,

Open tickets to GM’s suggested I deleted addons, fully reset UI using these steps: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000007549 .

But they didnt work.

I just attempted to Delete my character, and Restore. But im receiving an error trying to restore my character now: “There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later”

How long have your characters been this way, im worried my character is going to get purged now.

Do you have another DK on that realm?

Error: “There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later.” can occur when you already have a Death Knight active on the realm you are attempting to restore a deleted Death Knight on. You can only have one active Death Knight per realm. You will need to delete your existing Death Knight before you can restore the deleted one.

It doesn’t seem to me to be likely, if you just deleted the DK in question and immediately tried to restore it. Unless you rolled up a second DK in the interim. But I mention this for completeness’ sake.

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From a similar thread. Sounds like devs are aware something good be amiss and are looking into it.

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Same issue as everyone above. Lvl 85 and only 20 talent points

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Yea thank you Sniperorc I forgot you cant have 2x DK’s on the same server. I had one here that stopping my restoration of my deleted character thats having the talent point issue.

The DK I already had here was a lvl 70 from Skyfury , I deleted him, and i was able to restore my 83 DK having the talent point issue.

I checked to see if that even fixed the issue, and it did not.

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At least you got the character back, and the devs are apparently aware of the issue, so things are in play again.

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i to tranfered and lost most of my talents i also was hated in org as a orc so i have a feeling that it wiped all quests from wotlk to now with deathknight so now cant play my 85 with 390 ilvl and no one can help or fix
really sad old guy

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Check your characters boys!!

My Deathknights talents have been fully restored!!

Support / Devs coming in clutch!!!