8/28 Scheduled Maintenance: What are they fixing?

he’s saying hotfixing isn’t used correctly here not that you’re incorrect in the whats being done… hotfixing can usually be done with everything online and still running not it being taken down

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Are you speaking of the “Echoes/Memories” event i480 gear? I too had a few unused pieces sitting in the Warbands bank… i don’t think i checked to see if they are there or not… though to be fair, most of my toons had similar or better gear already. Odd if that is a thing though.

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What they are attempting to fix is the level locked 70’s being used to power level in the group finder. It was effectively the same issue that was in mop remix with the lv20 trial accounts.


The scaling was off in beta in green quest gear. DF gear has nothing to do with it

Read blue posts … the items were NOT deleted, stop posting fake news.

Yup, all of those are now gone. Poof!


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I’m gonna be one of those guys that everyone hates but I didn’t enjoy that with just 480 catch up gear not a single enemy I encountered up to 75 has offered any measure of a challenge at all. It was so bad that 90% of the time I could not see the second effect of my new Hero talent ability, Reaper’s Mark, because everything (even elites) would just die before the effect could finish.

Sure, but he directed it at me, not Blizz

Actually yes lol


That would be nice, whether I post or buy something, I sometimes can’t tell if I actyally posted/bought the item because it goes so slow.

I’m hoping they make it so that I can see other people are in the game world.

When I’m out questing, I see maybe ONE other player.

But when I go back to a city or town hub, it’s packed.

I know they phase a lot of stuff, but it feels kinda dead at times when I KNOW there are tons of people doing the same stuff I’m doing.

Touche, good sir

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As a hamster, I feel attacked.


Gosh i hope you dont have 3 years of mythics, raids, and pvp to see the talents in action.

Leveling quest mob #38484839 HAS to show off your talent or the entire expansion is ruined!

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Yer bacon! Or at least anyone who doesn’t have an 80 yet.

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If we just look at the expansion from a story and experience perspective (obviously what they’re going for with the amount of cinematic focus) then it is indeed like playing a single player game on easy, which, I suppose some people might like, but is not really for everyone I guess.

Oh that would be nice if they put my missing gear back.


tbf, a lot of it is this:

at 70 mobs have to be scale for leveling gear coming from the last expansion, so in this case around 360ish, so if you’re coming in with 480 you’re going to DESTROY them

and the overworld and normal stuff is tuned for the lowest common denominator, and lets face it a lot of the wow player base is… how do we put it nicely… lacking?

They ALREADY fixed the “level locked” issue by turning off level locking for 70+ toons. You can only level lock 1-69 now.

No, this is to prevent anyone who geared their 70s from enjoying having a geared toon kill things quickly for a few measly levels before they become wet noodles at 80 and they want you to not enjoy leveling because hitting the same random quest mob 50 times is way more fun than hitting the quest mob 2 times.

“You will have way more fun leveling if every quest mob is like a raid boss”

Again, you have 3 years of raids, mythic+, and pvp to watch your talents in action.

And lets be real here. Making mobs training dummies with 494948493928 more health isnt difficult. Its just a time waste