82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

You would have to pay me 15$ a month to pvp again with the current rating system.

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Yeah this is it. I didn’t mind BFA, but no one knew how the system worked, and things like “not adding a gem to gear” allowed you to manipulate things in a weird way.

If they had told us how it worked we might have liked it. They weren’t going to because we’d have foudn the bugs. (Not me, but you know, smart people)

They legit didn’t seem to have any numbers on how it worked. It’s why it was bugged and they would have given us some if it was easy. Such a garbage argument. Give us wod scaling. Even templates, half the issue was how it didn’t go into wpvp (legion was probably the worst expansion for wpvp) and how gear was rating locked making mythic + the way to go.

Bleh, just give us back actual wod/mop gearing.

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I don’t have a problem with the 259 guy being 82% more powerful than the 177 guy.

The question is: How hard does it suck closing that gap between 177 and 259? How long does it take? How many avenues exist to get there?

In the current system, this is a valid question, and the answer isn’t good. Maybe I’m wrong but I think you just have to get nuked for months.

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The gear that is 177 goes up to 190, but even then, the math is incorrect. The 1% power increase compounds. 1% increase on 101% power is 1.01% and so on.

The power difference is (1.01)^(69) = 1.987, so you are virtually twice as powerful as you were at the start. AKA a geared duelist is almost equal to two equally skilled players with starter honor gear.

Say those 60s upgrade all their gear to 216, which goes up to 229. That’s a (1.01)^(30) = 1.348 power multiplier. So a fully-geared duelist is equal to 1.348 maxxed honor gear characters.

Regardless, I agree that the current iteration is problematic. I think they should get rid of rating requirements on gear and let people upgrade their honor gear to “conquest” gear for a large amount of honor.

I also think they should remove the honor cap just because it serves no purpose.


…for the player


Pvp participation is highest when alts are playable, and the game is just a plug in and play experience. PvPers don’t give a :poop: about any sort of progression, all they want to do is queue up and get cr. The only progression that should be in pvp is a player’s skill.


I just hit 60 yesterday, had a lot of gear from professions and I’m ilvl 151 as a level 60 doing a few things to gear. Random BGs are supposed to be entry level content, I would be taking a heal slot from someone that might actually make a difference.

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simply this ^

the gear system and upgrade system are fine, the rating requirement to unlock the next tier of upgrading is not.

my suggestion is that there should be a progress bar that you fill to unlock the next upgrade tier. this could be filled by 1 win at 2400, 2 wins at 2100, 3 wins at 1800, etc in rated or 1% progress per game played or 3-5% progress per win in unrated. (its important that the losing team still be able to gear or they will be stuck forever losing)

all that is needed to fix pvp is to give unrated players a method of upgrading their conquest gear, they dont have to reach max ilvl as fast as a rated player, but they do need to be able to reach it in order to keep the game about skill and not ilvl. in general, the goal should be for everyone to be fully geared by halfway through the season regardless of the content they do.


I’d agree with this. A little rough for alts, so maybe a system where I can send honor/conquest to my alts.

honestly, the honor gear should be purchaseable for gold, and start at its current max ilvl, that way you can insta clad an alt in honor gear and hop into pvp to farm your conquest set.

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Better system would be to have Honor price attached to gear upgrade.

  • Higher rating, cheaper upgrade.
  • Higher rating, novelty transmog.

Regardless of rating, everyone can get to the same power level. More grinding for lower end. Or, just remove the modifier completely and have everyone able to upgrade gear.

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…This is GD, you think anyone here actually plays the game at a decent level you are mistaken.

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See if heroic dungeon q has an ilvl requirement why dont they do the same for bgs with folks q’ing wouldnt that put similar ilvls together? Course it wouldn’t probably stop excessively geared ppl from being encountered

base item pvp gear scales to at least 190 so start from there.
base conquest gear scales to 233 so the reasonable rated expectation is only 26% damage/healing difference. (btw a 3% damage difference is huge in pvp since you have 10 v10 so its ~30% damage offset when focusing targets like you should be.)

but, the numbers scale fast when you consider that people will focus targets in coordinated groups. 26x4 is 104% more damage on a normal focused target.

because of the hp scaling being so low compared to previous expansions that means there is a high chance a player can be 100-0 in just 4 seconds. with a 104% higher output, a starter conquest player will have a life expectancy of ~2 secs without proper mitigation and healing. if most heals take ~ 1.2-1.5 seconds to cast, that leaves a reaction time of .5 seconds. account for 100 ms and they only have .4 sec to respond. and if they dont have a high refresh rate monitor, its possible they will only see .3 of a second to respond.

perfectly balanced game. :upside_down_face:

but yeah, that said, i did see a player recently that had to have had less than 177 ilvl. they literally got 1 shot.


I thought he said that the “goal” was to make 1 ilvl equal to 1%.

And we all know how well they are at achieving goals. A full set of haste gear at ilvl 230 will not yield the same results as equal gear but as crit. there are a few variables that just won’t allow that to work.

As for the disparity between ilvl 177 and 259… leave it in there. get better gear to do better damage. we don’t want PvP scaling the way it was before!

This guy is just going from thread to thread trolling.

the only thing wrong with BfA scaling was that it caused lag, most people didn’t seem to even know it existed until a streamer posted about it.

Eh that’s not particularly true… A lot of people’s issues with it, and mine, was that it was poorly explained and buggy to the point you had to wonder if Blizzard even knew how it worked. I don’t do large scale stuff so I didn’t even notice lag.

The issue isn’t scaling in general though… Legit just give us wod scaling. Easy and decent.