8 day Suspension for sitting in Drek's Room

I’m not AFKing, I’m trying to stop Horde from back capping towers. I’m just saying if I die and get sent to the starting cave I don’t have time to catch up with the group before the bosses are pulled and the game ends.

I wish they could give an 8 days suspension to Alliance players telling people to let the horde win.

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Might as well delete the entire Alliance faction then.

I do what 75% of alli do now in AV. I run south and sit on noob mound and pray to the mound god. Complaining about noob mounders usually ends in a huge fight and a report. So now I kill Galv and Drek and sit on noob mound until ready.

Yes, it’s a mound…not a hill :slightly_smiling_face:


Really enjoy’d playing AV, it was my favorite battleground.

My favorite place to PvP was Ice blood Tower, Tower Point, and Ice blood Graveyard. Ensuring that these towers burn.

Taking the Ice blood Graveyard there early allows Alliance to deny Horde the instant respawn to defend IBT and TP.

Rotating between all these nodes based on calls about a Horde back cap team or a respawn at Frost wolf Graveyard used to feel like the best way to help my team earn the most amount of honor. Enemy towers/bunkers burning is the biggest honor gain in an Alterac Valley.

After receiving a ban stating that I was AFKing, I no longer feel safe PvPing and ensuring my favorite place in AV to play and ensure the towers burn or feel it’s viable. Appealing it over and over again, all with no human touch.

As an avid PvP player at heart with the dream to make a PvP video again, I use a weak aura that takes a screenshot after every BG and Arena match. In addition, I record every BG and Arena I play for those cool plays and unique 1v1’s, 1v2’s, etc. that may happen.

With the appeals, I asked what times and days were the reports sent, what battle grounds were they sent in. They stated they could not provide me with such details. As it’s against policy. So even with securing your innocence with all evidence of every battleground being recorded and end of game score board screenshot; nothing will be done.

Additionally, I was told if I appealed any further that I’d be banned again.

This is plain wrong, and not what customer service or experience anyone should have playing this game.

I do recall people abusing this system and getting people flagged in retail when they introduced the debuff cow icon thing. How much of an issue that became.

Mass reporting is a huge problem in this game. Accounts being banned first and reviewed later is the worst way to deal with people who truly do AFK in battlegrounds. It’s apparent to me that whatever their review process is, does not get it correct.

The report feature is used maliciously with no oversight or accountability.

Now when I do play AV or any battleground for that matter, I no longer use strategy or make calls. I no longer plan ahead based on respawn timers or rotate to stop the enemy team from reaching a node to ensure a cap. I no longer play the matches to win the game trying my hardest.

What I do, is engage in combat as often as possible fighting where ever and whenever possible.

Playing for 17 years, always believing people that fought on roads and didn’t play to the battlegrounds strategy were the worst types of players, complete cancer for the BG community, as they’re worthless and useless to winning and may as well be AFK. They keyboard turning, clicking, full PvE gear nerds.

Now I’m one of those people, just always fighting for no reason. For fear of being reported by the uneducated and unskilled masses. To be banned unjustly.


I wish they’d give 90 days suspension to players who bang their head against the opposing team over and over and over. It’s pretty much saying FEED THEM HONOR FOR ANOTHER 30 MINUTES and a huge waste of time.

Ninety days for wasting everyone’s time. Sounds fair.

With all the noobs stacking on it, it’s big enough to be considered a hill.

Or you can just delete the game if you don’t want to play it and stop wasting other people’s time being useless in a BG.

Not only did you get a human touch you got like 4 replies in the customer service forum where you were acting like a petulant child.

It’s not simply a matter of abusive flagging. They looked at the logs. Multiple people confirmed you were afking. You were afking. Maybe that shouldn’t warrant an 8 day first-time ban… but to pretend that you were just randomly banned and no one ever responded to you is just clearly not being honest.

Right. That works on a team with everyone in greens and 0 healers. Pretty stupid to drag out a match with a team like that when you’re facing Horde in arena gear and five healers. It’s just dumb.

Talk about being useless in a BG . . .

yeah it’s pretty obnoxious that people can literally get banned for sitting at stables/farm on defence in AB but, at the same time, people buy gold and bot with no repercussions.


What a wonderful thread that was. Though has nothing to do with the lack of human interaction through the web appeals and their replies.

The Customer Support forum blue poster really didn’t like that I didn’t want to interact and even dismissed his little forum orbiting puppies.

Very funny yet strage to see the dichotomy of reality and the bubble world with that crowd.

The sad part was learning there is no longer a Customer Support phone number to interact with a real human being. One may have wishful thinking, but with a company being sold for sixty eight billion dollars; would be great to be able to talk to someone.

Read my full post, you’ll have a wider understanding.

I don’t understand why they can’t simply add the AFK debuff again, it blocks any honor gain and if they are truly afk it just kicks them out.

This is just scaring people out of PVPing and burning people out from playing the battlegrounds correctly.

Especially considering they aren’t this harsh over in retail


You’re living in the past if you expect all companies to have readily available customer support numbers, that’s just the nature of living in the modern world. Too many people abused it and it just became no longer effective.

I read your full post. You kept asking for a phone number and they kept explaining one doesn’t exist anymore and even when it did it wouldn’t have been used for cases like this. You got upset and stated you were just going to start ignoring people telling you stuff you didn’t like, at which point they closed the thread because at that point you were only throwing a tantrum

I’m tired of people told to accept non existent customer service because companies think it’s a waste of money


What are you doing the rest of the time?

Your definition of AFK is massively skewed.

I received an 8 day suspension as well for battleground / arena behavior. I have never done arena and the only battlegrounds I did were during AV weekend. I was mostly sitting in Tower Point or Iceblood Tower defending them.

I think you are right. It’s players just mass reporting people because they think they should be somewhere else on the map.


lost any sympathy with that petulant comment - group content is meant to be done together, you literally signed up for the game to be played a certain way when you qued up (i.e not afking). Do you also join a dungeon/raid group and start working on your profession in the instance instead of doing what you signed up for? you’re an absolute unit


Yes its flawed and if you dont follow the mass you can be out of luck. Dont join bgs if you are a raider in all honesty.

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