8 day Suspension for sitting in Drek's Room

See blue post quote.

No. I’d go to a scientist for that. I go to Blizzard for Blizzard related things, such as how their reporting system works. I don’t go to third parties who have never worked at Blizzard.

No, we haven’t.

People can say anything. But when you actually see the opposite happen then what someone says doesn’t matter. Facts are facts.

YOU haven’t because you refuse to watch any vids showing it happen.

Blizzard is a corporation… not “people”. They legally CAN NOT say anything.

You’ve never seen someone mass reported and banned via automation. It has never happened because the systems don’t work like that.

All you’ve seen are forum posts of people saying it happened. Which, to borrow a quote from yourself:

You haven’t watched your own videos if you think that’s what happened.

They can lie to your face and take your money - as corporations often do. Bringing “legal” into it is just stupid. It’s not like anyone at Blizzard would get prison time for lying about automated bans, even if they were sued over it.

No. I’ve seen video evidence. You haven’t, of course, because you’re all like OMG YOUTUBE CLICKBAIT!

Now you’re just being ridiculous.

You’ve seen Tipsout talk about a system that doesn’t exist for 10 minutes. You’ve seen Asmongold get automatically squelched and then banned for abusing the reporting feature.

You haven’t seen anyone get an automated ban via mass reports. I think you just misunderstand how Blizzards reporting systems work.

You are free to believe whatever you want. I don’t see why you would think all of these support managers, MVPs, and Community Council members are all lying. They’re not the one that can make Youtube videos for profit.

As a comparison, the difference here is that I’m using academic sources from people who are extensively well-versed in Blizzard’s report and penalty systems. You’re using whatever you find on google.


Newsflash, it is real. Ask anyone from Sulfuras.

Savix - auto banned in an rbg by being mass reported.

If you’re muted in classic you can no longer join dungeon groups. Here’s several examples of auto bans due to mass reporting:

I tend to believe my own eyes and ears. Keep believing what people say, regardless of evidence to the contrary. Keep on being willfully ignorant.

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Yep. Happens to me as well but on horde. If you get backcapped on a tower and rez in the cave theres no getting back north and your constantly getting ganked and spawning in the cave. Im legit terrified to get flagged for this from people just reporting me for no reason. Feels bad. Anxiety at an all time high while playing battlegrounds is healthy though :slight_smile:


The fact that you keep linking this video proves to me that you don’t actually watch the videos you’re linking and that you have a gross misunderstanding of how the report systems work in WoW.

No one is being auto banned in Tips’ video. He’s just talking about a system he knows very little about for 12 minutes.

How do you know Savix was banned due to mass reporting? Because he said he was? Whatever happened to this:

The truth is, NONE OF US know why Savix was banned except for Savix. He can say ANYTHING.

The 2nd video I’m going to assume you also didn’t watch because it has ONE clip of Joker saying “They mass reported Unbind and banned him.”

Which once again, how would Joker know that? Because Unbind went offline?

You seem to be conflating the auto squelch system with an auto ban system. These two are NOT the same.

Except you’ve never actually seen anyone autobanned. You are just believing streamers over Blizzard.

I find it amusing that people swear this auto ban feature exists, yet bots have run rampant is Classic for years now. Why don’t they get autobanned from mass reports?

The mental gymnastics needed to rationalize this auto ban urban legend is astounding. This is equivalent to “finding footage” on Youtube of the earth being flat because an influencer said it and believing that as fact over the numerous of Scientists that say it isn’t flat.

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This situation was debunked if you actually read through the thread you linked instead of just the original post.

Both sides were abusing the report feature and that’s the ONLY reason people were banned.

I was told I was reported for afk for doing my insignia quest today in AV. If I get banned ima just unsub

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Yep, if you do that quest on an alt your guaranteed some false reports from being down south. Its dumb. I skipped it on multiple toons because I was afraid to get suspended. Already for an 8day and was terrified to do anything but stay with the herd on offense…

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You are purposely doing as little as possible to the point its disruptive to other players. I’m sure the email you are upset about told you this though :clown_face:

Reporting for afk wont get you banned like this. They actively would need to report you for cheating. We had a guy in AV afking in vanndar room for the whole 1h+ bg. He got reported by people everytime, even got 4 times the full afk debuff out of it. Then he figured he would just log out and in to bypass the debuff as it just resets the timer. If this reporting for afk would ban people then he would have been banned but he was seen in various bgs days after.

I did on my boosted hunter during prepatch and didn’t have this problem. Other people were doing it too.

It does though… enough reports from players auto flags and kicks you off w/ a suspension

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Then this might have been changed as this said guy was doign it in classic vanilla. Can’t confirm but might be likely they changed it to their retail system then.

I mean I’ve seen plenty horde catch bans from AV cus Faerlina horde players are toxic af and play on a pve server so they take out their lack of WPvP on hordies. Like I said I had multiple people cry to report me for afk this morning simply for doing the insignia and mines quests

I play defense in AV most games, and I play a TON of games.

Never been banned for afk, because i’m not afk.

OP admitted he afks to grind honor for pve. Got caught and got banned.

Good riddance, every fewer afker is a more fun pvp experience for the rest of us.


No one is missing the point. We just don’t believe you.

Sooo many obvious errors just to here…

For one… you seem to be asuming half of all active characters play daily… Obviously that’s far far from the case. You then seem to be assuming all of them pvp. Obviously even further from the case. And then you go on to assume that of those pvp’ers, everyone on average reports daily… Which is maybe the most absurd of all your bad assumptions… I’ve reported people in BG’s a handful of times in 2 and a half years.

I’d have to have made literally hundreds of reports for your assumption to be true… as would every other player in WOW. Thats clearly just… not the case.

This is hilarious. It means they have 4 minutes per report, even using your INCREDIBLY flawed numbers from above. Which would still be entirely doable when all they have to do is look at activity on a log. If you’re doing stuff, you get banned. If you weren’t, you dont.

You’re also overlooking the appeals process which would involve even a smaller % of players.

TLDR: Your numbers are bad. Your assumptions are bad. You are bad

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