8 classes REWORKED for alpha, not a mention of shaman

Still think there isn’t something going on here?

We’re not “second class” – we’re not “forgotten” ???

When will we get our remaining hero trees? Where’s our defensive we’ve been asking for 3 expansion in a row now? Where’s our communication? Nothing.

And to top it off, the only hero tree we have gotten released to us - has been confirmed to be nothing but a detriment that doesn’t scale with our overloads, only casts our fillers (no matter what we cast), and literally just bodypulls anything around us that it feels like.


Its been consistent enough that one can’t help but start to feel its intentional.

Edit to add- don’t worry though, they did take the time to nerf resto, so that’s something. /s


Reading the changes and the new talents, etc that are thrown into those existing “meta dps” talent trees…the amount of extra defensives they’re getting is insane. Shaman just want communication - or to not feel completely ignored.

The information, the ideas, it’s all here on the forums from die-hard players who love the class and want to continue playing it.


Im hoping that they are still waiting to make changes and not outright leaving shamans be.

Still no blue post responding back to our Farseer thread. If they read it and see all the repeat suggestions and complaints, possibly they look into the talent trees? One can only hope.

Otherwise it’s the same thing they do every expac for us. Tune the numbers a few weeks into the new season after we underperform a bunch.


It’s kinda obvious they re still working on shamans and given how much work it needed, it was to be expected that it would take more time to be released.


I mean this is the problem. If they are still working on shaman, they havent mentioned anything. They have mentioned hints at reworks for some of the classes that got them in the past but I feel like they havent even mentioned anything about shaman. All we want is communication because without it, we are only left to feel like they are ignoring us like they have been.


I would love to be on the Community Council. Shaman NEED and DESERVE a rework. We are left in the past yet again and of course they didn’t release any of our other hero talents because I figure they realized how badly they screwed up and have to go back and fix the other 2 plus the garbage pile on fire called farseer.


Not a peep about shaman. All the War Within news today… nothing not even season I armor sets, talent changes. Hero talents…nothing.

I sure hope they are working on something worthwhile!

What spec of Shaman needs a rework. I know Enhancement is golden for the most port could use some tweaks.

I think enhance is solid. I personally think resto is also solid, but some players feel it needs something. Ele is the one that I think generally is considered to need a rework just due to the evolution of lava burst into a spammable and boring ability.

Enhancement is fine.

Resto is stale.

Elemental is floundering.

Well data mining found what seems to be the talents for Totemic. Shaman stuff is post #11


Mmhm- chance to proc a totem that does some extra damage and another chance to proc a totem that does some extra damage.

Without knowing numbers, it still looks encouraging…maybe?

I don’t see it adding new keybinds, which is great. I’m really curious to see the defensives it includes.

Overall looking better than Farseer, not that that’s saying much…

I’ll reserve judgement until I see the entire tree, but at this point its just Farseer with a different paintjob. Its a chance to summon a thing that does a little extra of whatever you’re doing.

Maybe they are saving the best for last. Hopefully

Speaking as a resto shaman, I like that the summon isn’t based on a talent (especially UL that no one takes in m+). Making Healing Rain a totem could also mean that it’s instant - something we’ve been petitioning for for a long time.

But you’re right, there’s still a lot missing, and so a lot that could be screwed up.

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Enchancement just needs better defensives and to have its ascension line looked at. Especially since it looks so bad when you transform. I really wish we could turn that off or just glow.

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To be fair, I can’t remember a single time they have pre-announced that they are working on re-working a talent tree.

I mean here’s priests response nearly two months ago (15 days after they released their hero tree).

Timeline is:

  • Feb 7: Hero Tree released (they released this one early in the process - so that they had “adequate time to evaluate and change things as necessary
  • Feb 15: They read the community feedback and decided to rework it accordingly