Wednesday Palooza is a one-day Alliance Mythic progression guild on US-Sargeras. WP was established in 2015, and has a solid core of long-standing members, many of which have been on the team since the founding of the guild.
Raid Time:
Tuesday, 8:30pm - 12:30am EST.
Our Progression
Over the course of Legion, we have achieved (during their respective tiers):
8/9M BoD
7/8M Uldir
7/7M EN (Cutting Edge)
2/3M ToV
7/10M NH
6/9M ToS
10/11M Antorus
Our Philosophy
Our guild has become a home to exceptionally skilled raiders, many of whom prefer not (or are not able) to schedule more than one day for raiding due to real-life commitments, or simply personal preference.
While we have a relaxed raiding schedule, we pride ourselves on a fun-yet-focused environment. We are a competitive team, and thus we require near perfect attendance, a positive and respectful attitude, and that all members maintain personal character progression and class/role knowledge outside of raid times. At no point will anyone be carried.
We will not go over our scheduled raid time, nor will we add any extra mandatory raid days. That being said, the importance of attendance cannot be stressed enough due to raiding only a single day a week. Outside of raid time, we have a very active community that enjoys running mythic+ and casual/rated PvP. Furthermore, the guild is often setting up (purely optional) alt raid nights and rated battlegrounds for all those who are interested.
Are you Interested?
To make the team you’ll need to undergo a trial period of approximately 4 weeks that demonstrates perfect attendance (barring some predetermined exceptions approved by the officers), knowledge of your class/role (and a desire for self-improvement), and an effort in learning our boss strategies on your own time outside of raid via participation in our guild website.
While all classes are welcome to apply, we are currently seeking the following classes for our team:
- Warrior - High
- Demon Hunter - High
- Hunter - High
- Ele Shaman - High
- Warlock - High
- Mage - High
- Priest - High
If you are interested, please submit an application via the website below. Feel free to contact one of the officers listed below in-game if you have any questions.
wednesdaypalooza com
Bigsteer#1581 - GM
Hirn#1181 - Recruitment Officer/Raid Leader