Holy paladin looking for a mythic prog guild pref pushing for CE. I am available any night past 8:30pm CST. My Battletag is Kimosibi#1668 and my Discord is Kimosibi#4571
Hi Kimosibii! Prevenge - Laughing Skull/Cho’gall/Auchindoun [H] (6/9M, 8/8M CE) is recruiting a healer for mythic progression. We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM CST (9:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST). Feel free to message me if interested (Eilonwy#1706 - Bnet / Braelyn#1925 - Discord).
Elevenfold [A] Stormrage
We are a 3 day per week progression orientated mythic raiding guild. Currently 6/9M BOD and 8/8 CE uldir and seeking exceptional ranged dps, 1 healer (pref resto shaman, priest, or MW) to round out our core raid roster.
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST
Our goal is to push CE as quickly as we can on a reasonable raid schedule. Outside of mythic progression, we are active in other activities such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc. We run a lean raid roster and do not recruit for the bench, all needs are for core raid positions.
Current recruitment needs:
High priority : resto shaman, healy priest, ele sham, warlock, Boomie, Shadow priest, mage, mistweaver,
All exceptional players are welcome to apply
Please contact either:
Raid lead: Oblvnxknight#1712 (btag) or oblvnxknight#6331 (disc)
Recruitment Officer: Banr#1424 (btag) or Banr#4484 (discord)
Bump. Still looking.
Hey there, we may go too early for you but it’s worth a shot!
discord: livie#4169 bnet: livie#11751
Yeah sorry a bit too early for me to have 100% attendance.
No worries, thanks for the reply. Good luck to you!
Bump still considering offers