8.3 PTR Datamining SPOILERS

You mean like the sword? And the faction war? And the South Seas? And Azshara?


Well, yeah, but I said the same thing there, too. I feel compelled to say it here as well.

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I’d assume Blizzard thought Azshara was more interesting of a character(alongside Sylvanas) and thus spared her(despite getting rid of the Eternal Palace and Azshara’s Imperial Garden early).

N’Zoth has little character and many players have complained about his blandness. Blizzard is more than willing to throw him under the bus on that count.

The interesting characters(to Blizzard’s mind at least) that Blizzard simply put on the bus without killing are Sargeras, Azshara, Bolvar and Sylvanas.

What if the infinite dragon flight are good and we just don’t know it yet and we’re eventually apart of them

The fact that Ny’Alotha is just a raid and not an entire zone is really disappointing. I’m not terribly interested in N’Zoth as an entity - he’s a big pile of meat with eyes and mouths just like the rest of them, big whoop - but the whole “Black City” motif is worth exploring.


Blizz is really bad about that. The thing I was most looking forward to in Wrath was Azjol-Nerub. In early media announcements, it was a zone that went under the entire continent. An allied race with epic battle against Scourge above and Old Gods below.

Then it was reduced to just a 4 minute dungeon.


To be fair, that was because it was being designed as an enormous zone you’d enter from Dragonblight with no instancing, and Northrend was already having technical issues because of Dalaran.

Zones are effectively all instanced now because of CRZ and sharding behaving the way they do, so they don’t really have an excuse for Ny’alotha.


We’re told that the place is essentially an alternate dimension, so there’s not much to explore besides the raid.

Ny’alotha ending

This is just laughably pathetic.


Not a fan of us going Super Saiyan and Kamehameha’ing the old god to death?

I can’t believe they managed to out anime the known anime mmo.

I like yelling SPECIAL BEAM CANNON when using that Focusing Iris essence skill.


The first one just screams Final Flash!

I’m honestly surprised that Magni survives the expansion. I figured he would die in the end.

Does anyone else think its weird how we’ve data-mined these when the 8.2.5 stuff was hard encrypted?


If they’re doing an expansion announcement at Blizzcon they’d spoil the ending before we saw it anyway.

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Any attempt at killing a fully freed old god was going to end up feeling a little Anime-ish. The things are the size of continents and unlike the first two we faced N’zoth is not restrained at all. Realistically he should be able to just squash us with a tentacle the size of a sky scraper like flies.

I will say at least they used believable titan artifacts. The Forge of Origination powered up by the Engine of Nalak’sha, meaning power which could sear the surface of the planet off, routed through the Chamber of Heart and out through our necklaces.

Until told otherwise I am also am going to go with the idea that the burst of power that frees the PC from the mental domination of N’zoth was in fact Azeroth herself acting on our behalf. And that the spirit of N’zoth ends up in the dagger.

It seems someone accidentally left the QA tester documentation in the latest build, which included the cheat codes to directly call up these in game cutscenes. So they didn’t really bypass the encryption…the game client unencrypted them itself.


Ah. Thanks for explaining.

Ending is extremely silly, but it kinda has to be with the stakes being so absurdly high. Especially not fond of the second video where Magni declares you the ultimate champion of the planet. Tedious superman nonsense.

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Oh my gosh. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635404043740643329/636326398880907318/IMG_20191023_001342.jpg

Looks extra fake, especially them standing on the stairs lol

Was a fake.