8.3: Battlefield: Mulgore

While demanding the deaths of the leaders and high officials might be acceptable in real life like in ww2 that disent work in a game like wow where one side has lost most of its leaders already

Except that in real life the major leaders would be forgiven if they make a previous deal in order to kill to their own major leader and stop the war for good. Not to mention that Anduin is a good guy who think that Saurfang is a good guy too, and that there are another people like him in the Horde.

True enough i was more talking along the lines of nueburg but people did get out of that so yeah people were forgiven

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It’s ridiculous to act like getting rid of Sylvanas changes anything at all. This is the second time that the horde has gone evil. We have done more damage to the alliance than the burning crusade did, more than deathwing , more than any other WoW big bad.

Trying to write it off and be peaceful after that is the absolute lamest possible ending.

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Yep but well faction war nartitive hasnt sold well and no one liked it last time and it has gotten basically nothing but hate this time so blizz is unlikely to continue a story that seems to drive down their subs

Like it or not is very probable that will happen.

And here in lies the problem. Looking at the issues of NEs and vengeance on the Horde one does have to look at the NEs losses on BOTH a STORY level and a META level (and really understand the differences there). On a STORY level the NEs lost an absurd amount in BfA; however, on a META level they’ve actually lost VERY little; with them “losing” a largely abandoned capital (even to NE RPers) and two C-Rank characters in Sira and Summermoon.

The Horde is already heavily damaged in regards to representative characters and leaders due to the last bout of this Villain Bat nonsense. While calling for the execution of all the Horde’s leadership as punishment for Teldrassil may make sense for the Alliance on a STORY level; on a META level (in a game as HERO driven as WoW has become) what these Alliance players are essentially asking for is that the Horde Faction be stripped of ANY and ALL methods of retaining ANY semblance of relevance in future content (and the Horde PLAYERBASE essentially be condemned to pay real money for the Alliance’s story for the foreseeable future).

That is a MASSIVE expectation to place on them (especially since NO, Blizz WONT build up replacements for us Alliance fans; their track record proves this). You’d essentially be condemning the Horde playerbase to more Legion style narratives (where Blizz just seems to forget that the Horde even exists, before hitting us with another round of the Villain Bat again to kill off more of our underdeveloped, underused, and underpowered character list).


Blizzard should have thought of that before starting the narrative in the first place.

But as much as you might balk at the idea of Horde favoritism, this is the sort of stuff that makes it glaringly obvious that Horde is protected against any and all meaningful retribution from the Alliance. The Alliance has to turn the other cheek and just accept it instead of going through to its logical conclusion. Yes, we know that the war narrative is terrible for this reason. But that’s not really an excuse.

Also, I play Horde and I don’t really care about story characters. They’re all cancer and WoW’s narrative focusing on a few handful of uber important characters is one of the reasons why WoW’s story is so bad because it’s like some awful telenovela instead of an RPG sourcebook where the players make their own stories. Kill them all.

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Maybe they should. It would teach the Horde races a lesson and if they try again they will be weaker than before to try.

Eradication of the Horde.
Have the gnomes use the gas they used to destroy gnomergan and drop that in every Horde major city. When the Horde is destroyed there will be peace.

But we can’t have that because Blizzard values the Horde over the Alliance races so… we just got to break up the factions. Alliance and Horde cannot exist.

The the Alliance has committed plenty of massacres against the Horde, but no one cares and the game never mentions them again.

Didn’t you recently have fun murdering thousands of civilian goblin miners with a fire elemental in Zandalar?

Are you seriously comparing War of Thornes to a world quest in Zandalar?

So the panties-wetting bitterness over WoW of all things is real?


You know how people watched Game of Thrones and were disappointed enough to make a petition for the entire season 8 to be remade?
Yeah it is like that.

Wow. I’ve never been quoted to start a new thread before.

I’m sick of this story like so many other people and just want to see it end. There is one problem with punishing the Horde.

Hetaera wants the Horde punished severely for starting the war, including the deaths of everyone involved and the Horde pretty much eradicated.

But what about the Horde PC? Outside of the likes of Sylvanas and a few other named NPCs, we are probably the most dangerous members of the Horde. Do we get punished, especially since so many of us didn’t ask to be hit with the villain bat again?

You risk angering half of your playerbase if your force some sort of punishment on the player. So, that is why we’re getting a white washing no matter what happens.

Two series of quests where you slaughter countless civilians? Sure.

If you are not happy, you should blame Blizz’ terrible writing, not Horde players though.

Might as well destroy the Heart of Azeroth then, because at that point, there would be no difference between the factions. You can only go so far against people you have declared inherently evil before you are just the same.

What gave you the idea that I was blaming you personally for the writing?

So you are saying in this story there should not be a consequence for what the Horde did? Why not? That makes for terrible story telling.
There is no payoff.

Horde faction = horde player apparently.

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We can put however many horde grunts to death in retribution but at this point all the war mongering horde elements are dead the only leards left want a lasting peace. The horde will be defanged soon and honestly for the story with how bad faction wars are that is a good thing. Just accept the leaders turning aginst sylvabas will get forgiven and move on. This expansion is why i won’t be renewing my sub in a few months

I won’t accept it. I will just add to the roster of Horde favouritism by Blizzard.

Why would you ever come back to this disaster? They are just repeating themselves.