8.3: Battlefield: Mulgore

I gave you a good explanation, but you only want kill kill kill revenge revenge revenge. And that’s ok, it’s your style, but you will see that my theory is not bad if you just open your mind… and your heart.:heart::blue_heart:

These writters dont use logic if they did there wouldnt be a war right now


No you just said because Saurfang and his buddies feel bad then they are absolved of all blame and responsibility for deliberate killing of women and children in the most gruesome and cruel way possible.
I am sorry but you can’t just white wash this.

Besides this is not the first time the Horde has done this. They have done this multiple times.

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Well to blizz the night elves fot their revenge so you can see the level of thought they put into this

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I just find it frustrating that players like Navuoka are finding this sort of story telling acceptable.


Given they arent using a forsaken or a blood elf i dong think they do they are just trying to get past the same dhit in a diffrent way by being glad that hopefully the villan bat will never best them black and blue agsin

Killing to Saurfang and his buddies will bring more blood and destruction than before. The Alliance and the Horde are already allied, not the Alliance for the Horde can break this new bond…

Our bond is iron. Our will unbreakuble… Who will stand againts us?!

Break this new bond will be a political disaster who will end in more destruction and death. Or you want see to Orgrimmar burn? See to their childrens die.

How so? We have made this “”""“bond”"""" before and each time the Horde broke it.

Are you quoting the Iron horde to convince me the current Horde is not evil?

No forging it would be a political disaster. The Horde has proven that time and time again they cannot be trusted.

Nah I just want to see every single person involved in the war of Thornes and there after killed or imprisoned.
Racial leaders, generals, soldiers.
All of them. Kill them all then we will have peace.


Problem is at what point do they get blammed for the last second change to the plan. Up until sylvanas said it no one expected the burning and well blizzard writting says no one challanges her to death battle but we all know in universe and out she would cheat.

Also that more or less kills every last important horde character so yeah mot exactly something they can do again

Well, yeah… sounds very poethic to me, forget about who say it in the past.

And how you think that the rest of the Horde will react to that? With more war, more destruction, more death.

My child. You have given so much, for so little. Your true potential, your redemption lies before you.

You must relax Hetaera, join me, join us… soon the Childrens of the Stars and the Shu’halo will be together, drinking and chating about the myths and magics of Kalimdor, while we enjoy a peaceful meeting in some place of our homeland blessed with the grace of Elune and the Earth Mother.

It just sounds like foreshadowing to me.

Well we were going to there anyway.
Why let the Horde recuperate for another attack? If they want to keep going then by all means let us continue with that narrative.

I don’t role play. Sorry.


General point is most horde players just want this over with and know out of universe they will never live it down.

Ok, you just don’t want give a chance to the peace. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. And that’s a Gandhi quote, nothing from WoW this time.

Well Horde players are coming out of this so well compared to the Alliance.
So that is an understandable response.

We gave peace a chance 3 times already. And each time the Horde stabs the Alliance in the back by doing yet another massacre.


They are coming out being told they are the evil faction and they are bad people for playing horde that the ideals that might have hit th err m to join mean nothing. This is the very death of the horde identity. While it might not have the same impact as a city being burned it is just as meanhful to the players.

Are you kidding?
They have had cinematic after cinematic whitewashing their involvement and in-game no one besides Tyrande care about what the Horde did.

Just look at Nakuoka. He does’t give a crap about all this.
For all intents and purposes the Horde playerbase just got a massive fan service by Blizzard.

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The cenimatics to me are showing that the horde will go back to its roots soon.

As fir teust lets look at tge leaders left

Baine basicly bffs with the high king of the alliance he would due bwfore betraying them

Thrall he wanted peace from dsy one and can be huilt tripped into Anything

Lothrmar he was one the verge of joining yhe slliance once he will keep his word

Saurfang rhis dide has so much guilt and shame he will make it the horde idenity to say sorry to any alliance member the horde sees

Galywix bloody goblin he will stay where prfit is so least trust worthy

Overall the next warchief has a good chance of more or less bowing to any whim of the boy king

Fair point, but the Alliance don’t want more massacres, and they don’t want make a massacre against the Horde, especially with Anduin in charge. Tyrande and Genn probably will want some revenge, but even them know that they can’t make a monstruocity, they don’t want that.

So tell me, what is the solution to this? Kill the major leaders of the Horde? Is not going to happen, they are allied with the Alliance now, and the Alliance don’t break deals, in the same way that Saurfang and their buddies they don’t do it. Those guys are not like Sylvanas and Garrosh.


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