8.3: Battlefield: Mulgore

Yes I am quite familiar.
With Jaina’s line.

Honestly when Thrall spoke I would have had Jaina say that the only reason she helped Baine was to repay that debt and now that it is paid off she and the Alliance have no lingering attachments.

When Saurfang says his cheesy line I would have her snap at him. Saurfang is just the very definition of what is wrong with WoW. He has participated in so many massacres and because he feels sad that makes it alright for him to be a “good guy”.

This Horde whitewashing really bothers me.
At the risk of being infracted I have never seen a game try to make me sympathize with literal… women and kid murders. Like what?

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It bothers everyone many horde hate that they need white washing in the first place


i wish devs could focus on alliance just once.

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Is not possible to continue with the factions war, even Blizzard with their bad writing problems know it. And the only solution to this are two. Reboot the story and create WoW 2. Or put an end to the factions war.
WoW 2 will not come for several reasons, but the incoming level squish is what make us know that will not come for sure. So, the only alternative is put an end to this war, because this war can end in only two ways: one faction destroy to the other, or both become allies, and kill one faction will kill the game, and Blizz don’t want to kill WoW yet.

Again I am asking you how are you (blizzard) going to convince me that this time is different?

The entire horde has committed multiple massacres with absolute glee this expansion. I just don’t understand how you are going to convince me that the Horde are normal and decent people and will not massacre civilians for fun. Again.

Tell me. How are you going to do that besides hitting me with a large stick to induce amnesia?


The Horde will be good again, because people like Baine, Thrall, Saurfang and Lor’themar will be in charge, not Sylvanas or someone like her.


hides amnesia stick

They will blame sll the evil on sylvanas says the horde was influenced by nzoth and demons and then tweet that really 90% of the horde was aginst her.

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Voljin was in charge and we got Sylvanas.
Thrall was in charge and we got Garrosh.

Besides Saurfang planned the war and its massacres except for Teldrassil.
Lorthemar, Baine and the rest of the gang willingly participated before and after the massacre.

So again.
Please enlighten me how this time is different?


Because blizz says so until they dont then the horde will be evil again and they will make another bad expansion about the horde being evil


Shocking news.
I wonder how every other form of media would fare if the defense is “Because I said so. Screw logic”


Well look st bad fan fiction for the answer that is what this story is still if you ever expect justice or vengeance fir the night elves yoyr money is best soent on other gsmes blizz really doesn’t like night elves so have dropped that story already

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All those guys are now against Sylvanas, that’s a fact, and also they are against of this war right now. They are willing to ally with the Alliance in order to stop Sylvanas. Yes, they were ok with Theldrassil after the burn, they didn’t know the genocide part of the plan, but it was not posible to turn back, excpet for Saurfang who was the first in go against Sylvanas Horde at the same moment that the burning started. Then Baine become another opositor to Sylvanas, and then Thrall, and then Lor’themar. All of them they change their mind!!! you see it along this expansion. Watch the cinematic after Baines rescue, they are repentant, and that’s why now is different.

but we will still need a conflict cause we actually hate each other. Unless 9.0 rumors are true and factions will be no more (or more factions)

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So? They have been supporting her for 2 full patches now.

Only because they are losing… allegedly.

Alright guilty then. Off with their heads.

Why does that matter? They are guilty.
They need to die just like Sylvanas.


If the devs for once keep their word they wsnt this to be the end of horde alliance conflict

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Problem with the last bit is then the horde has no leaders no heroes nothing might as well have the horde join the alliance at that point

We will have conflict, we had tons of common enemies, and will be have more.

Probably we will have people in both factions that will be against this alliance, and become new enemy factions.

You know what? I think you will enjoy a lot join the new rebel faction that will be against this new alliance.

I just don’t want to work with the evil faction thats all.
And so far you have provided zero reason as to why this time is different.

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They are only evil because the writter make them be evil most none blood elf none forsaken toons are tired of the villan bat.

The writers made them evil. True.
But now the writers need to bring the story to its logical conclusion if they want “good” to win.

And that logical conclusion demands every Horde leader except for Thrall to be imprisoned or put to death.