8/24 - ANZ / Oceanic disconnections

Hey all,

This is indeed due to a planned Telstra maintenance. Other ISPs may be affected due to shared backbone in that area. It is happening in the Sydney datacenter which is where the WoW OCE servers are hosted.

The Telstra notification mentions it should last a couple of hours.

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Thank you for the update. I figured that was the issue and am glad I checked here before saying anything to the D3 folks. We just started Season 18 and they are frustrated. Hopefully this helps the frequent issues impacting the Sydney datacenter.

Update 1:45am AEST / 10:45am CST - It looks like the Telstra maintenance has concluded and we are no longer seeing disconnections from our telemetry.

Things should be back to normal, however if anyone from Australia / New Zealand is still experience disconnections we would ask that you post a WinMTR test so we can take a look. Thanks everyone!

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