8/24 - ANZ / Oceanic disconnections

I am sitting about on the Oceanic server, Nagrand and went do a mythic keystone, I DC’d once and thought it was normal, then i DC’d a second time and asked in the trade chat and my guild chat to see if anyone else was having the same issue, Quite a numerous amount of responses from both chats from people saying they were also DC’d. And for the third time as i am progressing on my alchemy, Disconnected for the 3rd time. Anyone know whats going on? I shook it off as “Oh hey, Blizzard is probably installing more servers for classic WoW” and maybe accidently bumped something at the same time.

Update: DC’d for the 4th time.

Update: Received word that Telstra is doing Maintinance and the maintinance they’re doing is affecting Oceanic blizz servers.


Having the same issue, also on Oceanic. Was dc’d for the 2nd time just now.

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This has been happening for about 45 minutes now. Frostmourne, oceanic.


Same on this end too, good fun trying to do WQs for the AP grind :frowning:

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Yup. Frostmourne, Alliance. Dc’d 4 times now.

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I’m in the middle of a god dang Storms 11 run. Could you kindly NOT!? This place is awful enough as is!

Cael - Nagrand Oceanic. Saturday night.

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8 times for me

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yep, barthilas horde and khaz’goroth alliance

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51900328…and always tells us to disable firewall anti virus …even when half the realm experiencing the same…never their problem. :frowning:

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I am on Oceanic, Caelestrasz, and been DC like 7 times now. 3 in a quick row during a mythic now all the time. Can’t do much before DC
UPDATE: about 10 times now … sigh. Please look at this problem

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Looks to be Telstra Maintenance related, anyone experiencing DC’s not with Telstra?

Optus here buddy.


Mine is 51900319. Seems to be Oceanic-based, lucky us.

And I’m on Optus.

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Oceanic - Nagrand… 8 DC’s now in about 1hr…

I was blaming the internet with all the NBN work going on around here

Edit - 9 DC’s. Telstra/Bigpond cable

Happening to me too, on Caelestrasz keep getting booted from WoW but not Bnet. Error WOW51900319.

Same error code and yet the solutions don’t work, its something to do with the Oceanic realms atm.

Again! Middle of fighting Stormsong!

Update: just had my 5th DC just now.

u.s server is working fine atm, no disconnects,

its 100% oceanic issue .

Me too. So annoying. Optus here.