8.2 What are you enjoying most?

Flying can be obtained now, so I have a semi long term goal.

Nazjatar and Mechagon seem challenging enough as solo content, but only a few days in and I can understand some of the criticisms, world quests are samey as always and I’m already hoping something changes so I can stop doing them.

Essences are interesting and haven’t been theory crafted into cookie cutter builds yet so you can still play around with them for now.


Benthic gear progression! I LOVE this! I wish they would add it to RBG’s, LFG/LFR, Island expeditions. I just LOVE the bite sized bit of progression. Make the gear look like crap, make it take longer than for those who run Mythics/raid/propvp. Don’t care. Knowing that I can slowly work my way up doing what I enjoy, that is WORTH MY MONEY!


I’m totally enjoying War Mode… you know, killing a rare, only for a 20 man horde death squad to come along, destroy me and take the rare spawn tag. Or the 2-3 40 man horde groups on nearly every shard for Battle for Naz… I’m enjoying it so much, that I’ve turned off War Mode for the first time since it was released in Legion. yeah I know, QQ about getting pvp’d in War Mode… I still pick 1v1 fights and the occasional 1v2, (Most horde end up running like little ______'s to their friends anyways) but all the rare kill stealing is a bit much… 5 hours the other day to get 3 rare kills for a quest, and I got those in 30 minutes AFTER I turned warmode off… had more then a dozen stolen by gank squads.

It finally hit me. 20% bonus for just the World Quests right now isn’t worth it! even a 100% bonus wouldn’t be worth it… now give us 50% more reputation earned and it might just be worth suffering War Mode.


I would enjoy it if they would update the world quests more than once per day. There really isn’t much to do in Naz. Half the WC are puzzles and rune quests and I refuse to do them. I know, my choice. I hate them. Mechagon is a bit better because of the rares and farming. Soon I will be able to purchase a mount and that’s cool.

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It’s like Taanan, but without classes that are fun to play*. He kinda left out a big part there.


Only issue I’m having with Mechagon is the lack of WQs and Emissaries. Still finding it more enjoyable, though, than Nazjatar, so hopefully I can knock out the latter’s rep first :slight_smile:

or doing quests, killing players, happens a lot.

The ONLY thing I’m enjoying is what I can TAKE AWAY from my character- that is to say, mog slots. Finally i can show off awesome bracer art!

The patch itself is a huuuge underwhelming disappointment. Blizzard should be ashamed of what they’ve put out all expansion and clean house over there in the game and story development departments, starting with Ion and Golden.
They’ve been ruining the game and story since Wrath, which itself thankfully suffered minimally.

That Wrath is the developers’ least favorite expansion shows just how out of touch they’ve been with their playerbase for a loooong time.


I’m enjoying absolutely nothing on 8.2. FPS went from ~55 to 25 at the same settings. Even at the lowest setting I’m stuggling to get 30 fps (laptop has 16GB RAM, quad i5s, and 1060 QMax GPU. Constant frame stuttering making it a chore to actually play the game. Excessive sharding making it impossible to complete quests (unless there’s a quest to have 10 shells, petals, etc. disappear the second you click them). Just cancelled my subscription.


That’s actually a much larger plus for me, I’m sick to death of the uninspiring format of emissaries and WQ’s. I had quit doing them unless I was getting a 2for1 by doing an assault to finish both honorbound & some other emissary at the same time.

I like the fact that classic lovers have stuff of a similar nature added to live. Fighting over mob tagging, fighting over plant nodes, fighting over rares, running around hoping for quest mobs to spawn near you.

As for me, i’m the opposite of most people. For the first time since BfA launch, I feel like uninstalling and cancelling sub. Blizzard seems to have picked up some of the bad aspects of classic that I’m glad they left in the past. I don’t have hours and hours to spend on making little progress like I did during the stress test.

Modern wow encourages alt making while classic wow discouraged it. These two game design philosophies clash with each other.


Logging out xD


The music. It is amazing. I hope Blizzard has plans to sell them. I have all of the OST’s for WoW because the music has always been top tier.

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After re-subbing to see if 8.2 might make BfA worthwhile again, after 2 days I have to say the answer is nope. Thankfully, $15 is cheap enough to have made it worth it to validate my decision to leave in the first place.

If someone finds where Ion & crew hid the ‘fun’, please let the rest of us know. I have a job already, and a wife, so I really don’t need any more chores to do masquerading as a game.


What am I enjoying the most?

The need to use wowhead and tomtom waypoints to find where all the daily stuff I need is.


I’ve been working on Loremaster too! Awesome! But anyways, I agree. The quests are meh.

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Just gear up it’ll get easier.

The essence system added to the azerite system was a step in the right direction, it doesn’t make the system perfect by any means (or even back to the point of the Artifact system), and I think this is because it’s a system that would have done better if implemented at the start. But 20/20 hindsight and all that, plus it was an addon to a system that felt meh. So better than nothing.

Nazjatar is a bit of a pain to navigate, but hardly impossible. It really feels like a zone that’s not just designed with flying in mind, but to reward earning flying by improving access to the zone. Which yes, probably will garner “but you have to do lots there to earn it first!” comments, and yes, that is true, however it turns flying into a second catchup mechanic for alts in a weird way (given the armor system in Nazjatar is a catchup mechanic too).

Mechagon is actually a lot of fun, very Timeless Isle style, where you get a few set tasks for the majority of your rewards, but just running around doing stuff can earn minor stuff as far as the currency (namely, everything involving spare parts), plus a lot of crazy stuff from the rares. It’s grindy, but honestly, what MMO doesn’t turn into some form of grind at some point?

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<-- This stick of rotten beef. Thank you Mighty Mogging Gods.


I’m already ilvl 400 on my main. How easier will it be, even if I’m ilvl 420?