8.2 What are you enjoying most?

Everything. It fixed 90% of my complaints with BFA. However not counting the new zones and such my fav aspect is being able to hide every gear item. (Except pants for some nonsensical reason). Especially love finally being able to hide wrists and gloves.


I understand not everyone gets excited about reading quest text, but I appreciate the fact that we get different things to explore each day.

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The one thing that is actually nice with no caveats is being able to hide gloves and bracers (among other slots). It’s opened up transmog options on my casters. Granted, my spriest has a leafy green druid-like xmog now lol.

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One thing that bugs me is the miniscule amount of rep you get per quest. It feels as if the Developers consciously are fighting against their players by giving them the absolute minimum that they could get away with.

This coupled with the time gating of the story behind the Gilgoblins and Experience they earn, makes it definitely feel like Blizzard as a collective business is trying to drag out flying and player subs, not through engaging content; but rather by keep everything locked away as long as possible.

This is something I do not appreciate because it feels arbitrary and specific to this expansion as opposed to how it was handled in previous ones. I do not think the next expansion will sell as well as Legion did unless Pathfinder dies and extreme changes are made to the game. This saddens me also.


Honestly, the fact that I’ll be able to comfortably unsub after getting flying.


Which flying do you refer? The one gated behind days of grinding the same sh** over and over and over again through some maps infested with elite npcs with 300k hp and which are difficult af to traverse due the fact that guess what? there’s zillion elite mobs to fight with. And annoying af dailies (except for the new type of puzzle quests)?

You realize this is totally off topic and there are no shortage of other threads, right?

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Both zones are pretty great. I really like the feeling of being in Nazjatar. Kinda sad Blizz didnt save it for an expansion tho

I’m loving Nazjatar—just last night I discovered a vendor in the sunken sity and also was able to do the quest to unlock the puzzle treasure chests. I love those mini games and treasure, so its perfect ^.^

I’ve been so tied up exploring and leveling with my bodyguard I haven’t been to Mechagon yet, but I keep hearing its got so much to discover. The comic for it was good, too.


Benthic gear is nice. I’m also enjoying my Essence.

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Modern wow encourages alt making?!?!?!?! What?!?!?!?!?! Yeah, if you wait till the expansion is about over and take advantage of all the catch up mechanics.

The art direction (and music, but that’s a given) are top notch this xpack. Drustvar is aesthetically in the top 3 zones of all time for me. Stormsong Valley is what Pandaria should have been. Nazjatar follows the same; it’s visually amazing.

The absolute relentless destruction of the Alliance in WPvP.

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I love the fact that blizzard Jabaits be into thinking I got beta access multiple times with battle.net invites. I love the fact that I have to wait an extra quarter of a year for classic when the 1% gets invited. Naw what am I kidding F you blizz. #Boycott BFA what a piece of garbage. I hope the people that were involved in the beta selection decision have many hard mornings and nights on the toilet. F you blizz devs eat my asss.

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As far as the new zones, not much.
I mean if you aren’t a collector or trying to gear an alt (like this one) it’s pretty much useless to anyone over 400 ilvlish.

I guess you could grind out pearls for upgrades but at 50 pearls a pop and up, can’t see many pounding all that out for long.


-The stealth nerf to Way of the Crane
-Feral Affinity Restoration Druids outdamaging dps classes
-The nerf to pack spirits which was the only reason Restoration Shamans were viable
-Mana Rift still in the game (How can you counter Stun + Mana Rift?)
-Greater Pyroblast still in the game

When are we going to see PvP Hotfixes that address these serious issues?

Complain about classes being pruned/nerfed, and then complain that other classes aren’t being pruned/nerfed.

Sounds like a PvP player to me

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I’m enjoying watching people stream FFXIV since that has a new expansion out and I can’t stand being in these new chore zones for more than like 10 minutes.

“8.2 will save BFA” they said.
I logged on and chased a bunch of Murlocs around for like 15 minutes buying items to trade for other items to finally trade in for a piece of 385 boots I’ll never be using.


I’m enjoying Mechagon. The jet pack is sweet, and rares are so much easier to get to than in Nazjatar. I have my Mechanocat in two colors and a pet dropped for me from one of the rares today.

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Uhh… I’ll have to get back to you on that. The main Mechagon questline doesn’t even get you to friendly? Seriously?