8.2 What are you enjoying most?

Oh. My god. I completely forgot that was happening with 8.2.

I have so much transmog to farm.

I love everything about Mechagon. Unending exploration, rare hunting, shiny collecting, JETPACKS and FISH VACUUMING. And mechanical cats! Omg. I’ve been there all day and I need to get up and take a break because my butt hurts from sitting.

The Visuals.

Uh… wut… Are you serious, Clark?


The scenery and knowing that flight is right around the corner. You know what the devs are enjoying? Hearing our cries! Isn’t that what being a dev is all about?

I enjoy the new daily and wq mixed system. WQ are very convenient and I like being able to find them on the map easily, and then while I’m on my way to them (and to rares/trying to get to that ore in a cave somewhere) I stumble upon a daily to do.

the music in naz is fire sometimes too.

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Uh how do we know that Azshara is playing tricks with the Tide Stone? And if she intentionally used it to trap everyone in Naz then we should get out to deny Azshara the ability to accomplish her reason for trying to trap us here.

Plus we aren’t even doing anything to figure out why we are here. Are helping some sea amphibians really advancing our goals? Couldn’t we guess that Azshara is in cahoots with an Old God? I mean it was pretty much super obvious to everyone that Azshara was trying to free her Old God pet so it’s obvious that is why she wanted us here. By leaving we deny her the ability to accomplish her goal.

Simple tactics. Make the enemy fight you on your terms and refuse to fight the enemy on their terms.

To be fair, the teleporty one is pretty quick and easy to get the base level one

I’m really enjoying mechagon, and am spending like three hours a day there currently. It’s nice getting lost with lots of new mechanics and fun little things; the jetpack was a really nice surprise with how it wasn’t limited down, especially as you can get a schematic for it. Being able to get the schematic to switch between alternate realities is a nice sense of progress.

Having fishing and pet battling provide a small boost is really nice, and helps justify the time spent setting those up. Finally learned how pet breeds worked (mostly to find I had the wrong ones and just kept going til RNG prevailed), and invested a bunch of tokens getting the right pets levelled.

I’ve not even really touched Nazjatar yet, thematically Mechagon is my jam. I really liked the goblin areas in OG/BC/Wrath/WOD. The teleporting essence is a neat addition, and it’s fun getting new movement options.

The construction projects are neat, I was concerned there wouldn’t be enough but the variety and infrequency makes up for it. Being able to do the requisitionator thing multiple times a day is nice, and having the area for aoe grinding is a nice throwback to the frog days.

Looking forward to forming a casual exploration group for mechagon, first time I’ve really done that since UBRS in vanilla.

The escalation of the number of dailies available is really rewarding, and the vaultbot ‘cooperation’ is a hilarious abuse of power I hope to see more of.

Thank you :smiley:

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I’m not saying it’s a great explanation but there is at least an explanation of why we don’t just teleport out. From what has transpired over the timeline we’re supposed to be this hero/champion character that does the impossible. Setting up a small camp while the hero does what they do in setting up the eventual scenario is what’s been the standard for a while, predictable but it is what it is.

Reading all of the salty and hostile snark.

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I’m enjoying the excuse to play Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion instead.


I made my first allied race toon, a void elf warlock. Warlock is the only class I don’t have at 110. Yes, 110, and I have no desire to start BfA content even though I can now access it. I have mixed feelings about levelling another toon and I don’t like permanent pets in general, but it’s something new to me and I’ll see how it goes.

Of course I am missing portals though. These 5 minute loading screens (flight path from stormwind to northern EK for one example) do kill my desire to play. A portal to Ironforge and to Dalaran Crater would be so nice to get to some of the zones that I haven’t done and would be nice to level through to get EK loremaster.

playing shadowbringers ofc

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Oh my god yes. Kaivax, the music team hit the ball out of the park. I really, REALLY love the haunting melody out in Kal’methir, and Elun’alor Temple around Zin’Azshari. While there’s a lot I’d love to see addressed (and I really wish we’d had more underwater areas), musically and artistically you guys really hit a home run in those two sectors.

Thank you for that, and for your hard work. I don’t say that enough, but I mean it.

Mechagon is a home run. I was really taken aback by how fun it is. I lost track of time and felt overwhelmed by all the things to do, but in a good way. It’s not every day WoW makes a zone like that. I think Timeless Isle might have been the last one.

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Wait, what is there to do on Mechagon? When I quit I was sitting at rare spawn points afking until it spawned or I was afk logged out.

Yeah, that sounds boring. Wowhead has an excellent Mechagon guide, I suggest you check it out. There’s a silly number of things to do there.

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Hmmm, I am enjoying all the new stuff I’m finding. Nothing too special just a random spot or two, or a funny name… Plowing thru mobs like git out the way! so I can go see what’s possibly hidden over there. Got lots of screenies to add to my collection- TB during the heritage armor quest looked so awesome. :+1:

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