8.2 What are you enjoying most?

The art and music teams have been fantastic, as always. Gameplay is still the same. My advice is to go do something else for a while if you’re bored.


I like the visuals of Nazjatar. I normally do not enjoy aquatic-themed areas in video games so kudos to the art department.

Other than that, 8.2 is (to me) a confirmation that other certain issues that are important to me are not important to the content creators.

Therefore, 8.2 is the reason my sub has only a few days left. I understand that it’s just a patch and that no patch can address the larger game issues, but I was hoping to see initial good faith efforts. Something that says to the user, “We know and we’re looking to the future on this.”

I say this stuff as a developer. I didn’t expect a complete solution. I did expect a start.

(I understand I’m being vague about WHICH issues, but there are umpteen hundred threads about the 5-10 major issues people have been barking about since 7.3.5. No rehash required in my post.)

It’s just such a shame. I want to love World of Warcraft, and I want to have fun playing it, but that just isn’t what happens when I log in.

The last time I felt like this was the beginning of Cataclysm. I quit then and didn’t return until 2018.

Maybe this crap all shakes out in a few months. I dunno.

It’s just such a shame.


Nothing Naz’jatar and Mechangon ARE the worst zones they have ever created in this game the quests are horrific along with the phasing make it a miserable experience.


Thus far, my favorite part of 8.2 by far is the essences.

I can target and work on progressing them. There is a static spot to acquire each one. I can loon at my list, figure out what to do, and go. Then I can look at what the next requirement is and start working on it.

In between the emissaries, the new rep grinds, etc it is nice change of pace. Curre tly working on my blood of the enemy rank 2. I dk t BG lime I used to but it is still 1/3 of the way to rank 2 with just a BG win a day.


I liked freeing Baine and doing the Heritage Armor quest. Taming Horridon is pretty cool too. Haven’t tried for Oondasta yet.

Really like Nazjatar too, even though I have died more in the past three days than I have this entire expansion.

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I love the music and the design of both zones. I also love it at times when the community gets together when it comes to the rares at times. It’s feel good to help others with rares. Also the anti-gravity packs are so cool/fun. Was able to get the blueprints yesterday to make them.

yeah, me too.
So relaxing

I’ve been unsubbed for most of 8.2, but I’m also enjoying 8.2. And it’s a bit of everything … just the feel of the patch overall … but if I had to pick one thing, it would probably be the return of actual quest hubs in the new zones and the reduced use of WQs. I’ve also died several times and so it feels like the world actually has things to pay attention to in places again. Its not hard, but you can’t sleepwalk through content like you can elsewhere. In short, I’m just having fun. WMode helps too.

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I will do what i have to do to get flying

After that all that garbage that Blizzard has been telling us is so fantastic, rocks, twigs, random mobs. I can blow it off as it should have been from day one.

Waiting the better part of a year for an ability which should have been available at max level is an incentive killer.


I’m enjoying the fact that every time i log in or get a screen reload I have to play with my graphics setting cause the scaling on the bars wont save. 1440p monitor and the icons look like there from 1080 or less so they are huge

I’m actually digging the new zones a lot. I like that the rares are actually rare and not every second mob I encounter like it was in Argus.

Mechagon and Nazjatar are pretty fun and I enjoy their design. I like that you essentially have 2 zones in Mechagon with the ability to go travel to its future, pretty cheap and easy way to pack more stuff into a small zone.

The one thing I don’t in the forced phasing. Please make it so we can’t phase while in combat, pretty sucky when I’m killing a mob and I get phased.

what what? Did they finally fix this?

Can we please start engaging some critisims? Yes, we get the art and music are great.

Lets have some dialog around these topics, deeper than the shallow answers like “we believe we have takin pruning too far”

Here is a list of topics/questions I would perfer you comment on to start:

Class design, how is this looking to be improved? Getting feedback before you launch 9.0 with each class having 1 new skill is imperative. We also need back a system that makes each persons class unique based on the choices they make. Everyone is the same, its lame

Time gating, can we dial this back a ton? Letting players choose how fast they progress and what they do makes it a game with various levels of goals and skill sets. Everything up to this point (8.2) should have been available at day 1 launch of BFA. Everyone ends up at the exact same spot in the game, waiting for you to release the same thing. It feels like non players are deciding, what I should do, when I can do it, for how long and exactly what state of the game I will be in

Progression, is the design of becoming weaker/scaling going to stay forever? My character should become stronger with every level, gain new skills and powers the more I play. Its quite opposite now days, I have no connection with my characters

Gearing, will there be a return of gearing system that brings challenge, excitement, a sense of accomplishment when achieved. Everything is purple, with an iLVL, its boring. How about a system that returns, green, blue and purple items. I was so excited when I got to equip my first purple, it was meaningful, had a cool effect and bosted my stats, it was something I wanted to show off. Lets not forget class sets, passive bonuses, colored gems slots with bonuses etc.

Professions, wow they are in a bad state. Will professions ever become relevant again? How about rare patterns throught the world, dungeons and raids that are hard to come by, revered and sought after. I remeber a pattern I won the roll in a raid group, I later would enchant for others for tips, it was hard to get, and I was known in my community, added many new people to my friends list. Lets not forget craftable items that were powerful, unique and tradable/sellable. I dont even bother with professions now, whats the point, i can do some WQs and get something far superior than what my 13+ year old crafter can make

Communities, is there any plans to change the systems to promote server identity and sense of community? I used to know 75% of people on my server. I made friends, created raid runs, interacted with the players around me, with positive results, most times people were respectful, helpful since thier idenity in the community carried weight. Now, yeah not so much, pretty much a solo game now minus the new follower your giving players

Stat pruning, will a deeper, more complex stat system be returned? Lets bring back, spirit, hit chance, spell power, attack power, resilience, spell crit. Etc. These promote build options, skill sets, and define the content I like to focus on

Will the game ever sart to become deeper again, not shallow. Every xpac is like a new WOW. A complete reset, like a new mini WOW, except its been pruned and simplified, made now in a way that everything ive done the last 13+ years is meaningless. My account means nothing to me anymore which makes it real easy for me to walk. I could delete my first character I ever made, and make another one, exactly like it, in a week. What has my 13+ years of investment in my characters/game account got me? I actually had a connection to my characters once and was proud of what I had played for

Zones, will zones continue to be smaller, more dense with mobs going forward? You can hardly move without fighting an army, am i not supposed to be out in the zone unless I have to, doing WQs? Pretty bad when you continously pass up nodes simply because you dont want to fight off two zones of mobs to mine/herb 1 node. No reason to explore, theres nothing out there except more mobs. Which brings me to my next and last one for now

Treasure chests, mob drops. A good treasure system would promote exploration. I wouldnt mind killing mobs to grab a node if i knew there might be a chance at some rare drops, like super rare BOEs, mounts, pets for example. Oh, and who thought up the idea to put trash and nothing but trash in tresure chests you find? Really, what comes to mind for you, when you think of the word “Treasure Chest”?. What i find in your current treasure chest rewards put me in mind of dumpster or trash cans

Thats all for now, and this is only a start, but can we start talking about the state of the game and start adressing negatives for players so things can be fixed and get things moving in the right direction. I wont be around much longer if the current state of the game and its direction is not addressed and Im willing to bet theres many others whom feel the same way I do


Sadly, I haven’t played. I logged in after not playing for a long time and saw how toxic the community is. I logged in, asked a simple question about an item and was told to f*ck off in chat. It’s gotten worst. It really makes me not want to play. I’d like to though! Looks like fun!

:mage: shakes magic 8ball

“Ask Again Later”

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im glad even the blue is admitting that the only good thing about the patch is the music lmfao


I am enjoying my new guitar amp. Patch is terrible so at least I now have more time to practice other stuff.

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New zones are pretty neat

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Best part about 8.2 so far is Shadowbringers.


I am enjoying the lag and random bunches of disconnects. Those are my favorites!