8.2 What are you enjoying most?

That one is summoned.You don’t have to wait for it.

If you’re “desperately hoping” that something is going to be good, that’s a clear sign that you don’t enjoy it anymore and it’s time to quit.

I’m speaking from experience.


Can’t enjoy it since the sharding is so busted and i can’t even play in Nazjatar or Mechagon.

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The hide-all-except-pants transmogrifications
The exploratory natures of Nazjatar and Mechagon

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Definitely enjoyed unsubbing and spending my money on other games. :slight_smile:


Yet you’re still on the forums gloating. Odd.


A warehouse (kinda a bank) where ya deposit your materials and then your work orders and boom the warehouse delvers em over to where ever ya want need em. Could have even had some lil’ gnome bring em buy on a Big Brown truck and drop off the supplies requested by your communicator.

Empty bags, delevery just in time. Very mecha gnome concept.


There’s like 500 threads for complaints, why don’t you post there instead. OP wanted to know what you enjoy the most

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Flying around with a jet pack like buck Rogers shooting things with a flame thrower.

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It’s better than flying imo.

It’s hard to say, but I guess I’m happy alliance are no longer getting free end game raiding level gear to turn WM on.

Honestly can’t help ya. I’ve not set foot in the new content since it went live. Only logged in couple times since patch day. Not really feeling inclined to, as I’ve been enjoy my time in another game. And feeling far more immersed in the game world and story. Something WoW has not provided me in a long while.

So I guess what I’m enjoying most is my about 8.2 is my time elsewhere. :thinking:


Can your bear turn water into wine? :thinking:

Ok, reading through these posts makes me want to turn on the music. I will do so when I log back in.

  • Jetpacks on mechagon (OMG the FUN!) I painted myself blue and buzzed people all morning when Mechagon went live
  • That spinny turtle world quest on Nazjatar
  • Escorting the little murloc on Nazjatar “He’s settled in now, looks like you’re stuck with them.”
  • Benthic gear is a win
  • Crafting fun stuff on Mechagon is a win
  • Getting Fabious right off the bat, that is a gorgeous mount
  • I like the story. I know it is getting a lot of flack, but the latest cinematic is touching. I’d love the opportunity to defend Thunder Bluff, even though I play Alliance.
  • Killing stuff on Nazjatar and having a piece of Benthic gear randomly drop, that was a pleasant surprise
  • The quest line with the Elven spirits at the northern end of Nazjatar (I’d love to see them replace all other elven spirits in the game with that model, it’s so much better.)
  • The art in both zones! The little holograms add a really nice touch to Mechagon, and the under sea look and feel to Nazjatar is breathtaking.

That’s all I can think of for now, though I know there’s more. I’d say don’t let the naysayers put a damper on your experience, try it out for yourself. If you don’t like it, you haven’t really lost anything.


I’m enjoying other games while I wait for classic.


Ran around for a bit… got incredibly bored.



There’s a lot so far.

  • The puzzle quests in Nazjatar are pretty fun. There’s a diet guitar hero quest in one of the caves.
  • The Mechagon spare parts crafting offers a lot of stuff that helps with world travel and combat in all of the BfA zones.
  • Spare parts and construction projects are a big win to me also. Having something everyone on Mechagon can contribute to and people actually using it, is nice.
  • Azshara is mommy.
  • Mount equipment is pretty cool. Mixing and matching between characters is nice.
  • In both new zones, it seems like there’s something new to find while you’re traveling.
  • The Benthic gear helped me gear up another alt that I fully intend to start raiding on. I like account bound gear tokens that take fair effort to earn and upgrade.
  • Made a ton of gold off of the new epic jewelcrafting gems!

But honestly doing this all with a group makes it better. The most fun I’ve had so far was outliving the Rustbolt guards with a group of guildmates to finally get my Horde Slayer title. War Mode also enhanced the experience a lot, I recommend it if you have some people to walk around with.

It’s a good patch. But you need to be in the right mindset for it.


That’s because you’re playing on RP server, where things are balanced, so do I. I pity those that don’t play on RP servers as Alliance.

I hope not the one from Mechagon


Enthusiasm is still at a low so I’m motivated to continue getting stuff done around the house that I’d normally put off until later.