8.2 What are you enjoying most?

Nothing really. Mechagon and Nazjatar zones suck. Seriously considering taking a break till classic.


Nothing . nothing in 8.2 is fun or engaging. I could care less about the music, I dont pay a sub to hear music over and over. The classes still suck, the content sucks and the story is a damn disgrace . Honestly, as a company you should be ashamed that you released this and think that it is good quality.


I’m enjoying the new zones and dailies except for jumping jellies… i hate that daily with a passion.

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Its been Okay, not good but not great. Nazjatar is just a pain in the butt between the mob density and the just inappropriate amount of phasing. If I ever work up the stomach to keep doing those dailies for flying I will never set foot back there once I hit revered.


I have enjoyed running into and through large packs of mobs only to feign death and wonder how any class other than hunter can navigate the dense mob packs

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The patch is total garbage. More garbage piled on top of an already garbage expansion. Sub canceled, bye kids. xd


The new WPvP event in Nazjatar is a ton of fun. Every single round is a nail biter, sometimes we as alliance manage to overcome the 5 to 1 odds and accumulate 100 points.

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This hppened the first 3 times i did the event but then the 4th time was epic. Horde had a 1500 lead but then alliance managed to shard in 2+ raids.

Horde was just trying to stay ahead of the murder ball by barly killing the point defenders before the main allince force came in. Event ended with horde winning by just over 100.

I hope to see more like this. Its a shame that sharding makes thing so imbalanced though.

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Exploring. Taking in the atmosphere in various zones/reliving old content going down memory lane. Doing older raids since I don’t really like to raid new content as people take it so serious and that’s the main way I get to experience them is when I can solo them.

If WoW didn’t have such a good art team providing with cool things to explore I’d probably unsub. That’s the main thing I do is explore the world from old content to new. It’s such a big world there’s still quite a bit I haven’t got to with older content as I did go away from the game from time to time and so I switch it up from old content and newer.

Trying to level up a few alts as well which isn’t as fun in the grindy new content.

Staring at the character log in screen.

Then logging off and playing something else.


I was running through Naz with a train of 10000 mobs behind me, Im prot so I figured I had it, when I finally stopped and tried my luck I went down in about 2 seconds.
I laughed hard for real, was frikken hilarious how many I managed to accidentally tag trying to not run into more, man if I’d have been trying I’d have crashed my rig for sure.


I guess Mechagon? It’s okay, I don’t -love- it, but it’s fun to kill an hour or two on while waiting for BG queues.

I enjoyed the writers showing that they continue to have no clue how to write a cohesive believable interactive story.

Nothing that we are doing makes a lick of sense and nothing that anyone else does makes a lick of sense. Why are we in the ocean? Once we opened the portal there was no reason why we didn’t all just up and leave. I also love how Naz was only under like 20 feet of water despite being in the middle of the ocean. So even if Azshara were to put the water back almost everyone could just swim to the surface without any issue and without worrying about problems with depressurization.

But the best part was how the writers made the entire purpose of the story up to that point about getting a fleet entirely pointless by destroying said fleet before it got used. And how we don’t just blasticate the Naga with those super effective arcane cannons Jaina used against the walls of Lordaeron. In fact no mention of those super effective cannons are ever made again and no one thinks of making more of them and using them as artillery. Nor is any mention of putting force fields on ships even though force field technology exists.

They must have hired the bad Star Trek writers who break the technology because they aren’t able to handle writing a story where the technology exists and can only write easy traditional stories.

Also Naz is the biggest pain in the butt to navigate and isn’t visually impressive compared to other zones. It’s the same as the other zones but more of a pain in the butt to navigate.

I should also mention that there isn’t anything interesting to make someone want to go back to play more. I did a set of dailies and feel like I did and saw everything there was to see and do because everything felt and was completely pointless.


I’ve been enjoying Nazjatar, the zone is stunning, very cool with different levels, great music, it’s a pretty fun an enjoyable zone to play through, you get some quests to do and you find others by running around and exploring.

My best advise (might be a bit too late for that) is to stay away from reading player’s complains in the forums and just go in unbiased and decide for yourself if you like it or not.

Edit: As for when the game completely changed for me and became MUCH better regardless of if I like or dislike some of the new systems or zones or whatever… It was when I decided to stop playing solo and got into raiding a bit more, eventually I landed with a group with similar interests and goals and we progressed together through Heroic / Mythic, it’s really a lot of fun… Also, there are various levels of commitment depending on the group, just fine one that matches your interests, it’s not all super hardcore, in general I don’t really “need” to dedicate more time than what I was already dedicating as a more casual player.


At least i’m not alone in that plan. DK tank ride towards my goal even sometimes fall dieing, then run back, rez and use tundra mammoth to repair if needed, sell bags empty, go for what I"ll fly to soon as I can.


We’re trying to find out what is the mystery in what Azshara is up to with the tidestone and what games she’s playing in keeping us around while also helping the locals. The usual stuff. That’s like our job at this point.

I was initially enjoying the story in Nazjatar, but it quickly devolved in both zones to just dailies and world quests… Where’s the story? Is this all 8.2 is going to be aside from Mechagon?

I don’t feel like I’m working toward anything except mindlessly grinding out quests for rep/flying.


I love the Benthic gear far as a catch-up mechanic goes. You quickly get ok gear and can gradually increase it from “ok” to “pretty ok” over a week or two. I like seeing my non-raiding toons have some kind of progression again.

Mechagon is putting too much junk in my bags though. They should have made an NPC to hold all this stuff for you or something if they didn’t want to flood the currency tab.


Well I’m not enjoying the nerf to my class. But id say Mechagon is pretty fun it’s tight packed with lots of things to do. The anti gravity pack is amazing and lots of rares to hunt down the quests are fairly fast and straight forward. Nazjatar is complete trash though the exact opposite of Mechagon. It’s way to big the rares are to spread out the quests aren’t straight forward. The first day a couple world quests got so bugged many people just waiting at the world quest for them to fix it. Complete trash of a zone in my opinion…