8.2 What are you enjoying most?

What’s your point lol

Enjoying most? That is hilarious. Neverwinter Nights Enhanced is looking good though. And it’s on sale on steam. Hope that answers your question. Have fun jumping through all those rep hoops folks lol.


That is actually one of my favorite parts of the game, since I’m good at it.

I was bored, just getting oodles of paragon caches in BFA (to no real end, besides the gold, once I got most pets/toys/whatever.)

So this is like Christmas for me:

  • Benthic gear, I can make better just by playing more.

  • Actual reasons to do pet battles, since you get reps once a day.

  • Actual reasons to fish in Mechagon, at 25 rep per (though I might skip the SUPER rare ones, like the stupid SLUDGE FISH.)

  • Rares with purpose, since they are rep once a day.

  • Treasure chests MEAN SOMETHING AGAIN!

  • Discovery, I’m trying not to spoil mechagon much. So every time I get a new blueprint or something, I’m filled with wide eyed wonder!(Especially when I got the ROCKET PACK!)

  • I can SEE FLYING! All I need is the reps to revered, with that going along smoothly.

I’m kind of wondering what people expected? All I heard about was the lack of content, now there is really wide and varied content to do. Then I see complaint posts about it.

I’m not just logging in, wondering if I should even bother to do the emissary/warfront/invasion. Instead, I’m logging in feeling there is TOO MUCH I want to do; It is like Legion Argus again. :wink:


I’m enjoying having stuff to do on a daily basis that seems to give my characters progression. I like collecting mana pearls or scrap parts to buy or build stuff. I like leveling the followers. I can’t wait for the Mechagon mega dungeon and Azshara raid. WoW feels much more like a MMORPG again. I’m looking forward to doing the various activities for the different essence gear abilities.

I basically hated island expeditions, warfronts, and the azerite gear. I’m looking forward to logging into WoW once again.

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It may sound weird but one of the coolest things for me are the 2 new puzzle mini-games. The un-locking laylines and the matching colors game. My god are they fun and addicting, i wish there were more of them in game, i dont even need a loot box i just want to play them for the fun of it haha

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Well I was enjoying Battle of Najatar, but then you blew it up like Alderaan.

Flying around with a jetpack rather than a mount. Needs to be an actual mount on day. I love it. But, as for something to look forward to? Erm, not much to really earn at the moment that you can take away from either zone besides mounts and pets maybe?

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Blizz messed up BFA. They Admit it mostly. They pruned the classes to much, they admit to that. 8.2 I think shows we are on the right track to fixing some of that. It isn’t perfect by any means, and not everyone will be happy but for myself, i am enjoying getting on everyday, going to the zones, doing the quests, farming rares, etc. I have not gotten bored of it yet and I love both zones. The design, the feel. I feel like i have a purpose like i did back in Legion before we went into the Emerald Nightmare. Hopefully, Blizz can keep building on this and make 8.3 even better and of course 9.0.

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By lack of content i think most of us mean lack of compelling story. Legion was the first blip of good story since wrath and bfa has completely destroyed it. Nazjatar feels like an amusement water park not the grand and foreboding realm of a long anticipated nemesis. The faction war plot is a disastrous mess.
Nothing feels compelling. I don’t feel a good story-based reason to DO anything. Huge let down.

And i don’t know if it’s the writers’ fault or the designers failing to execute the game well according to the provided plot.


Cool story. That’s great.

Ya, if I was interested in Pokémon, I would uh you know buy a pokemon game lol.

Must not of had much of a childhood I guess.

At least Argus had a variety of wq’s you could choose in those 3 zones. Notice 3 zones? And heck they even had the mini invasion point scenarios, and the one bigger invasion point scenario. Argus was a lot better than this pile of crap called 8.2 they dumped on it’s playerbase.

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I got a fresh 120 to 376 ilvl in less than 2 days at a pretty casual pace. I’m not sure how much faster you’d want it to be.

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Did I say faster? No. I said better. Better as in having rings and trinkets like in Broken Shore at the vendor. Better as in being able to target specific items even if they cost more. There are many ways it could be better and not just “faster.” Think about it first.

Some of these pet battle quests are hard :+1:

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Rares are not dropping rep for me once a day. Heck, I killed rares today after reset and didnt get any for most of them.

The community.

Kul Tiras and Zandalar are emptier now so you can do your world quests in peace if that’s your thing.

I am enjoying gearing up my alts under the Benthic token system.

The forums.

The thing I’m enjoying most about 8.2 is how it pushed so many people over to FFXIV. I’ve been having a blast in that game, which is objectively better in almost every way (unless you like the esports garbage that Blizz keeps trying to push).

I won’t be coming back unless there’s a serious overhaul of the development team or their “vision” for the direction of the game. Instead, I’ll be playing a game where the devs seem to actually care about making an enjoyable experience.


Indeed, the music in Nazjatar is soooo good! And it all comes together so beautifully with the art and atmosphere that’s been created in this zone. Before i went questing, i just ran around and explored everything cause it drew me in so much. I mean. Yes, it did also help that i finally felt like i was Arielle, under the sea…:blush:

Also, I’d really recommend anyone to try and find the raid entrance to Azshara’s palace, that one is the coolest raid entrance EVER!!
And lastly, another tip for those looking to enjoy this fine scenery…carefully pay attention to the water walls surrounding you. There’s some …big surprises waiting to be seen :slight_smile:

Enjoy :wine_glass: