8.2 : To Little To Late!

Yeah, that was what I did.

I think this was the character I fully did Vash on? I remember I only fully did it on one character, for the experience.

Which artifact traits were cooked into the specs again? The biggest problem with all classes this expansion is the fact we were balanced around our artifact in legion, and they removed 95% of those abilities across the board. I can say with 100% positivity that enh, and ret only had things removed.

Wake of ashes was baked into ret, it basically played the same thing, crusade is still a viable talent to take with 2 on use trinkets, we gained inquisition.

We got inquisition back, which existed, and was removed, then added again. Wake of ashes isn’t baked in, and must be chosen over other talents. Crusade is also not baked in.

Ah yeah I just consider talents as baked in tbh

DKs apocalypse was baked in. If it isn’t there no matter what, its not baked in, its an option.

Yeah I know what it means, just still consider it baked in as the other talents in that same row are garbage anyway.

And if it was actually baked in, you would get have two of those options and not just one.

C’mon, bruh. To/Too/Two.

  • You’ll be flying within 3 weeks of 8.2 opening, if it follows how it went down in Legion.
  • Build a bridge and get over it already, wrt mount eq.
  • From all accounts, Nazjatar is not going to be “underwater” in the sense that Vash’ir was.
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Why are you even still playing? It is funny how you whine and cry non stop on the forums yet actively play. I guess I am just used to cancelling something I am paying for if I am not happy and it makes me miserable.

Nope. Sorry. 8.2 will be fine and WoW isn’t going anywhere. Stop trying to act like it is.

You should probably move on tbh.

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Now that I’ve awakened from much needed sleep,never said Classic is going to be bad BUT it isn’t the second coming of Jesus either. People are acting way too sychophantic over it and crapping on those who still enjoy retail despite the occasional flaw here and there. So slighted by a few decisions they’d rather see the current crash and burn in favor of nostalgia lest all their demands are met,sounds like a very Karen/“Let me speak to your manager” attitude to have,just sayin’. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll have 3 MMO’s on my plate. FFXIV, retail, and Classic. Retail probably requires the least amount of attention. Dailies, possibly weeklies and log out.

I think they have abandoned this xpac and are working on the next one, so they are stretching out the timing of 8.2 (well and FFXIV has a new xpac coming out in July.

Whenever I read this thread title I am brought back to the 90’s or possibly early 2000’s with that song little too late, ITS JUUUUST A LITTLE TOO LATE ALITTLE TOOO BLAHHH AND I CANNNNNT WAIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT…


Who knows we might get 8.2 tomorrow. There’s a 5 am to 1 pm maintenance thing going on tomorrow. But nobody knows and nobody can know

Sure it’s not a slap in the face? Sorry, couldn’t resist :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually like underwater zones. But then I’m a scuba diver - so seeing it on a screen doesn’t phase me. LOL

Most of the rest I agree with.

holy crap I can’t wait to see Rastlin complaint threads about clasic lolol

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Or if your ranged and try to loot something. I hated it

We ALL float down here


This underwater zone was a nightmare that people hated. If 8.2 is anything like this nightmare wow will lose what few subscribers remain.

I never knew where I was and was constantly lost, confused and frustrated with that horrid zone and got out of there as soon as possible![quote=“Warbo-sargeras, post:86, topic:195324, full:true”]

probably take about 2 weeks into 8.2 to unlock just like in 7.2

there really isnt a lot under water

So will you finally quit?

Any underwater is to much underwater.

No I do not plan to quit. I am needed to give suggestions and advice to Blizzard and there would be no one to take my place if I left. I care about this game and want to improve it.