8.2 : To Little To Late!

Allowing that to continue would be a slap to the fac-


He wears it because it effectively covers his face. If you look at his armory – which isn’t private – his xmog covers him completely aside from his hands, and the little of his face the wolf helm doesn’t.

The Prince of Privacy likes to hide… everything.

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I kind of like my theory better. Slap, slap, slappity slap… and all gone.


Why is grammar skipped in schools these days?

Generally people aren’t very good when t comes to thinking in three dimensions. Also with no ground as a refer depth perception is a problem as well. But I really like the zone!

well one good thing about classic is that rep matters… someone i think will be blacklisted quickly. It might even be like a slap in the face.

It is crazy that 8.2 is taking so long to come out. I figure it is because it is the last patch they are going to do and the next xpac wouldn’t be coming out until August 2020. Stretch things out as long as possible

You aren’t exactly experiencing the content flying above it. As far as 8.2 or classic is concerned I doubt classic will have much of an impact on the player base. The majority of it atm is just hyped up because of nostalgia, I mean who wouldn’t enjoy something different instead of the same crap live has been for the past year.
I still think classic will only cater to certain players, those that have either experienced classic and intend on doing content they didn’t do or want to redo and push naxx etc.

Those that are casual and enjoy the slower part of the game but all they’d be doing is leveling, the only reason I think this about them is because the majority of the current player base lacks the effort/skill and doesn’t want to for one reason or another put in the time to raid. This is a raiding game and more so back in vanilla than now with all the extra things you can do without raiding being involved.

Most players that don’t intend on pushing content will get burned out fairly quickly if you never experienced vanilla and have only played live. A large portion of the wow Live player base is entitled/spoiled, if you think getting gear or progressing in live is difficult then wait until classic.

When i talk about gear progression you guys don’t realize through world quests/warfronts etc. and other casual content that doesn’t require you to find a guild/group to clear it with.

You still skipped lfr/norm/heroic raiding when it comes to gearing then you complain about not having gear progression, don’t blame mythic raiders they barely have it any better in this category, it’s blizzards fault for handing out gear every few minutes you log in and for little to no effort involved.

As far as 8.2 is concerned I wouldn’t know as I haven’t put much if at all research into it and if it’s going to make the game more entertaining. I do agree that they need to have more content available on release to the point you don’t necessarily need to do it all but almost too much to the point you shouldn’t get bored.
I can understand them introducing a grindy aspect to the game to keep every player active when it comes to legendaries/hoa but I also agree that this shouldn’t feel like a chore either.
As far as the difference between players that can and do put in hours apon hours of playtime vs those that put in an hour a week/day what have you. I still think there should be a big gap between the two, I personally like the game as it is even though we’ve lost aspects to it that made it playable which obviously I hope they fix.

I wouldn’t keep titanforging around though or at least put caps on it, lfr to norm base, norm to heroic and heroic to mythic base, would remove lfr as that isn’t experiencing the content unless you consider 80% of the raid afking and only a handful doing it, you don’t actually get the feel of raiding in this and more annoyance than anything.

Who would want to be the person getting loot just to get begged for it throughout the run, who would want to suffer 30 morons that refuse to do the instance that they queued for.

Me neither. I thought it was really fun

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It takes more time/effort to navigate, the majority of people I’m sure would rather fly high above the content and get things done faster than slog through the water, although they gave you a really fast water mount, I see most in the zone use their water mount to get the surface then fly to their destination and then go back down.

I remember at the time I’d only do some of the big quests at the start then leave, there isn’t really anything to drive you there either.


it’s not been a year, Battle for Azeroth came out last August, stop overly dramatic.

The new content isn’t under water, I don’t even play on the PTR and this is common sense to pretty much EVERY one but you apparently.


Tbh who cares how long it’s been, the game/content is lacking or stale. As far as the new area whether it’s underwater or not doesn’t matter, there are areas of the game that are or easier to navigate with a water strider than any other mount comparably.

I don’t much care for flying being released or anything although the majority if not all of my mounts I used can fly. The only thing flying does is increase the speed at which you clear things and makes it easier for bots/farmers. But mostly it’d be mostly used to get from one world quest to another faster when it comes to the majority of the player base.

As cool of an artwork it is. I will never go back to that zone. Literal trash

We get it,you hate WoW! Good lord we get you’re salty about no flight yet…despite singing Classic’s praise which also has long grinds and no flight…typical bandwagoner.

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You can literally make a list though of all the things Classic does well

Classic did a bunch of things well compared to live. From my view/verison the gearing system although sometimes you had to wait months for a meaningful upgrade, when you got that upgrade it meant 1000x times more.

Leveling was aids back then and I’m sure it will be again, I personally don’t think most players will last to get to level 60 especially if you think live is a time sink as it sits now.
I don’t really think for the majority of the player base there’ll be anything to keep them playing classic unless they like to do raids or dungeons which most don’t it seems.
So i’m sure they’ll get bored pretty quick even if they do make it to level 60. This game has always been a raiding game in my opinion, if you didn’t like to raid you either just logged on to socialize at least back in the day or to level.
Not saying either is bad, but I find it weird that people pay to play this game to pet battle or only do world quests all day, I’d get bored out of my mind more than I’m right now with almost having mythic jaina down.

I personally think if you don’t raid or pvp in this game as it sits you aren’t doing anything worthwhile with your money spent or at least there’s better options out there I’d think. If you like pokemon you could probably get new content for every 15$ spent with multiple games available on a handheld or something, if you want dailies/wqs there are plenty of free games out there. But paying 15$ a month to kill turtles, I just don’t see it being enjoyable.

if i’m not mistaken if you are talking about vashjir everything you do is actually way easier than on land.


(see the sea legs buff)

swim speed floating in water is faster than running on land
the zone mount vashjir seahorse is faster than any flying mount on land or even in air if I read the chart correctly. most other normal water mounts are actually almost as fast as 280 mounts.

and if you get dismounted you don’t fall to your death like in the air.

vashjir is basically what a zone would be like actually designed for flying while leveling with things being layered up high and down low and such in multiple layers vertically, which people constantly ask for that kind of game design. Funny thing is other people actually get frustrated with that gameplay in wow because they just want to follow the dot on the map or rare marker and don’t know if they should go up or down and get confused. in short they don’t like spending time exploring (which is fine).

vasjir is everything a flying leveling zone could be in a way. Enemies at variable altitudes. quest objectives all over in different altitudes or stacked. (With the added benefit of not falling to your death from high up. you have the bonus of being able to free float at any altitude).

vasjir is a forgotten gem in wow leveling actually. It’s too bad some people skipped it just because it was underwater or because it crashed their system.

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I like immersion and great class design. Have been a huge fan of WoW PvP for a long time. Fondest memories are gearing up ya in bg’s and learning new characters.

For the past 2-3 expansions this experience has been utterly destroyed so I am without a WoW identity tbh. The only fun I might have is spamming mind control in bg’s or healing mythic+ dungeons for good gear.

World quests are more of a time filler in between queue pops more than anything

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Yeah I don’t mind what people enjoy in the game but I was just giving an example if it was me. I have a hardcore mentality when it comes to any game. I’ve completed darksouls without taking hits although not as efficient as most but it was definitely nerve wracking.

If I didn’t have years of game time from selling carries I wouldn’t be subbed to this game, although making gold has been roughly the only thing to keep me logging in, there’s nothing more enjoyable than sniping a 415-425 boe for 30 gold because someone forgot their 0000s