8.2 : To Little To Late!

Currently I"M thinking I"ll level / gear up to decent levels a few toons for my Hope, not faith, that next expansion will fix what has been bad since scaling, pathfinder, and other things.

Then I’ll only log in and check my retail toons and spend time slowly leveling in classic until and unless the next expansion is worth actually buying, if they hold back stuff like flying I"ll probably wait until it is available with no time gates and work my way through it as if it had just dropped.

If classic isn’t able to hold my interest I"ll just take time off until flying at max level is available without a wait.

I"m done with riding around in the mud, getting dazed, huge crowded small packed agro zones with trash that never drop stuff. AT least in legion I could maybe get a legendary off a mob or treasure chest so those were a slight hope.


If you’re going to be grounded, might as well play classic. Getting flying halfway through the expansion is just spiteful to the community. A community who pays their bills.


“Why do none of these poor trolls have ears??”

Made of chocolate and Easter Sunday already came around.

We can make sandwiches!
I’ll get the meat, cheese an bacon!

Personally all my friends left due to pruning. All our classes are simpler to play. Its been a decade and i think the only class that hasnt gotten easier would be a ret. Everything else is just too easy with little to no buttons.

Also another reason they left in legion/bfa was due to PVP being very stale reward structure wise and the use of pve gear in pvp being more viable than pvp gear.


Why is underwater seen as terrible and flying good, but in a zone that you swim everywhere in it’s bad?? Swimming is essentially 24/7 flight, I never understood the cognitive dissonance with this.







crap, now i"m drrunk

Good God man. You can’t chain them like that. Slow and steady brother or you’ll collapse by 6 pm.

Agreed. Pathfinder, despite feeding into the desires of the most OCD element of the game, has been nothing but a disaster for the game, playing a big part in the drastic reduction in players since wod. And the longer it goes on, the more new players are going to be saying, “I have to do WHAT to fly? Screw this game!”, just as existing players have quit and are quitting, saying, “I finished Draenor Pathfinder and Legion Pathfinder, and BfA Pathfinder 1. But I just can’t do any more pathfinder. I’m through with this game. Forever.”


Classic will have no improvement/fixing of classes, no water striders, and no flight. If QOL is your thing, avoid classic or you will be sorely disappointed.


Underwater swimming is totally different from flight.

It is slow, sluggish, confusing and disorienting.

Making an underwater zone was a huge mistake and putting in any more underwater content is wrong.

I hated the underwater part of the war campaign we had to do a while back. I feared those quests might be a hint of more to come.

Blizzard will soon find how much players hate underwater content.

And how can an underwater raid boss ever work? Especially in LFR.

No Blizzard!


What underwater content? Well I guess there is a single underwater boss in the Raid. Nothing else seems to be though. At least I haven’t encountered any on the PTR.

A single underwater boss is one to many.
It will be a disaster, especially for LFR.

Wait, you think class design is bad or limiting now? Just wait for classic…

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Biggest thing holding me back from actually being excited to play classic is if I wanna play shaman, then I have no choice but to heal or never get into a group.

No thank you.

Not for the reasons you claim.

If we had to fight in a three-dimensional space, people would hate that too. Flight isn’t combat, and that’s what people don’t like doing in the water. Z-Axis apparently is too stressful for some people.

BFA is a disaster. They can’t fix it. It’s done.


Rastlin>RAISTLIN Majere from Dragonlance.

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I have come to the conclusion that Rastlin apparently wears that wolf-head helm because it’s the closest thing he has left to a face, having had all of his own long since slapped away.

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