It brings a customizable mount system, and retires what has been a cheap crutch that should have been expired when WoD launched, honestly.
So if a new player hits level 90 the day that 8.2 launches, they’ll now have to wait another 10 levels to unlock the new system, instead of going right out to the Anglers and grinding it for 3 weeks? Is that the issue? Seems like an edge case hardly worth worrying about.
As I said, at one point it was all, i.e. literally, like how the Safari Hat used to work before it was added to the toybox. I do not know the current status of that. If it doesn’t happen…there are no zones in Azeroth sub-60s need water-walking. It may be nice to traverse the big lake in Swamp of Sorrows, but it’s not necessary. Same with Northrend, Outlands, and so on, and at 60-99, most everyone will be flying anyways.