8.2.5 WAS the last chance to save Night Elves

Let’s just talk Chromie into sending us back to the Broken Shore, we save Vol’jin, then tell the Horde to actually tell the Alliance that they need to retreat and then BfA won’t ever happen. (Hopefully)

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I mean, to be fair “losing majority of your population” doesn’t seem to have much adverse effects on wow, humans are still represented to be just as numerous as blood elves, night elves can still field big armies, and not just that aside from that one ranger who was a quest giver before the pre-patch they Did not Lose anyone important.

Oh by the gods no - no more time travel!!!

I mean… It can’t get any worse… Right?? Right?? I hope…

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Don’t say that!!! It’s like the Fates perk their ears up to listen out to things like this that you speak of then will take the last thing you said as a challenge!!!

Shhhhhhhhhh! lol

I’m playing with the idea of the genocide of night elves at the hands of the undead in particular. Not so much the horde as it were the forsaken.

I should edit in FURTHER genocide of the night elves.

Teldrassil would have been several zones if it was presented ingame as it is in the lore.
The art’s from World of Warcraft: Traveler. The playable area was just the canopy, where Darnassus sticks out, and Rut’theran.

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Well there goes that chance

Oh, so if I burn down your home that’t cool? I mean who cares if you family was inside at the time right? It wasn’t just burning down their homes, it was the mass murder of their people and then defiling their dead by raising them into undeath.

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I don’t play much Alliance, but I had to laugh at what a joke Blizz has made night elf lore.

They bothered to let players ask about Tyrande’s whereabouts, but didn’t just choose to include her instead?

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The forsaken, Night elves and Zandalari got screwed this expac

Iam jealous you guys got to be paladins too. Can I learns peas??

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The elves are still hurting for the loss of their ancestral home. Teldrassil was the hope of renewal, the dream that we could regrow and start again out of the ashes.

And now there is none, and its citizens are dead.

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Oh, dude, that’s got to be a leading question, right?
Like “Hey, where did Chekov put that gun?”


I do think that it’s a little ridiculous that there were kal’dorei regiments at the battle. I wouldn’t have thought that Tyrande would let them be there.

Well each faction contributes military forces to serve in the “Alliance army”, which is the force the High King commands. So they were problem those troops and not any forces pulled from Darkshore.

Did anyone else find it dumb that the Kaldorei were all in Armored Underwear?

Only good horde is a dead horde sitting on my pike to urinate on their skull.

I assume she’s out of contact and Shandris made the call.

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It fills me with hope that that’s what their heritage armor will be.

I mean, they do(did) kinda live in nature anyways. Wouldn’t it make sense for them to be mostly nude?

In combat with no armor, really?