8.2.5 Spoiler Thread

She is a master of 12d Tic-Tac-Toe.


It’ll be a mercy kill at this point.

It Sylvanas is in league with Azshara, does that mean it was Azshara who whispered to Vol’jin?

This was actually the worst case scenario for night elves, it follows the one path I predicted, of the three options.

Night elves will be punished by the meta narrative for seeking vengeance because more war will ‘feed the hungering void’ which is what Sylvanas just said she wanted from the beginning.

Also… you know, it means that every single night elf killed in the Burning had their soul claimed by Death, not Elune. Thanks for that, Saurfang.


Im kinda interested in where we go from here. It seems as if Saurfangs rebellion was a fairly small minority, relying heavily on the Alliance to assault Ogrimmar again. Bets on next Warchief?

Added the wowhead links for the endings, so go check out the op if you haven’t seen those yet.

Given that I expected the Horde to lose either Saurfang or Sylvanas, I feel like I should be disappointed that we lost both of them on top of seemingly Nathanos, which brings the Horde’s roster of characters even lower than it already was. But I just feel numb to it all at this point.


Anduin, at this point.


Well, I guess Blizzard tried a different tact from MoP. In MoP, the Horde went out with a bang. A raid of their capital, old god shenanigans, etc…

In Legion the Horde went out with a whimper. Or, well… another emotional outburst from the banshee queen that… doesn’t see to accomplish anything than the exact opposite of her goals.

When did Sylvanas get reduced to having the emotional tolerance of a three-year-old? Seriously…

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The diacord is having a field day. Get in here y’all.

Nelves: My people suffered genocide, countless innocents died
Anduin: Break the cycle
Worgens: Our new home and the one of the nelves is ashes because of the Horde
Anduin: Hope
Everyone on Alliance really: We suffered immensely because of the Horde
Anduin: For Azeroth!

You can change it for Horde races with other arguments and replace Anduin with Thrall if you want guys


Which would imply her deal with Azshara was in place before the deal with Helya since the Vol’jin bit pre-dates Stormhiem.

It was “Death”, whoever that is.

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Is it worth noting that the quest that confirmed Helya was still alive had the line “You cannot kill death”?

On bright side,

At least we don’t have to look Sadfang in full cgi anymore.

This, was just, so dumb.

God and we have wait again for final patch.

At this point that only way it would be all worth is if Azharaa forms form her own old god faction and we can free ourselves from these morons.


I got a month of game time, logged in and played the campaign without spoilers.

Horde has no leader, the Alliance has no relevance, Tyrande is defecting, Genn is pissed, war crimes are forgiven until the Horde performs some new ones in 9.0, I’m beautiful and well animated and I feel I just payed a month sub for 3 pretty cinematics and 15 seconds of dialogue with Calia.

Sylvanas is just plain evil, I’ll join the smugfest and greet all forsaken posters with a big banner that reads “I TOLD YOU SO”, and laugh as the Sylvanas fans attempt to mind flex into an excuse that proves she’s actually a hero of the horde.


Neat, do you have the full dialogue? Can’t get on to do this for a while and super curious.

I loved what I just saw in the cinematic.

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Ok. It’s no secret that I haven’t been a fan of the story direction this expansion. And this cinematic doesn’t change that. The Horde murder of a city is never properly addressed, with all the blame being shifted to Sylvanas, at least by Anduin, who speaks for the Alliance. So Alliance characters don’t get a payoff commensurate with those stakes. And Horde characters get to know that they once again spent most of an expansion busily working to advance the schemes of a super villain. So…yeah.

That said.

I liked a lot of things about these cinematics, taken in their own right. I loved the little callbacks to Saurfang’s story (i.e. his “Let it be finished”, etc.). I liked his character moments, such as how he goes out thinking that he has never known honour. I loved the spectacle of the Mak’Gora. The parallels to Varian’s death were effective, if kind of overt.

I was also left confused. Is Thrall in charge of the Horde once again? He was the only one speaking for it after Saurfang. Are the Alliance and Horde at peace now? Is there going to be just one faction, a “For Azeroth” faction? Are the Night Elves still part of the Alliance? And most of all…what is Sylvanas’ big plan? Supposedly the war campaign is over, but that is one very big shoe left to drop.

And I think it is going to drop on Stormwind.


Presumably, since in the loyalist ending she refers to corpses “filling the streets”.