8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

Either they undo this, or they also ‘fix’ all the dresses that look stupid with pants being visible through the ‘sexy gaps’.


You mean they finally fixed them? Awesome! Now I’ll definitely mog them. Before it was a total waste. Please keep it as it was meant to look in this case Blizzard. Bugged sets are never fun to work with. ^^

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I can see that night elfs creases in her lower abdomen this is unacceptable !

No. As has already been pointed out, all that happened was that the male version of the texture has been slapped onto the lower legs. I don’t know what your definition of “fixed” is, but this certainly doesn’t apply.


The EU forums confirm a bug.


You will find something else to slootmog dude…You will be ok

Well, that’s good news.

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The leggings are clearly supposed to be a part of the Confessor Paletress / Black Mageweave recolor set, but in a tan and teal hue. It’s funny how hostile people get over pixels and e-booty sometimes.

Yes, they clearly are. And if you wanted them to be “fixed,” you would see them look like this:

or better yet, the female versions that can be seen here:

With the extra buckle/strap above the knee, and the chevron pattern on the shins. Not, the plain color with a stripe down the side that male version uses.

So it seems that your definition of “hostile” is also as suspect as your definition of “fixed.”


Lol, the Snowy Owl costume broke in the same way too, look.

Now it has the male black stripe down the leg, and the green ankle bands.

The original doesn’t.


Have some respect. We don’t need skimpy items in this game. This game is rated T for teens, not M for mature. Blizzard did the right thing.

That’s just a testament to how bad we’re getting. Like, we have people actually thinking something is wrong with it. Imagine what it takes for you to end up waging war on things that look good.

For one, it seems as if it was an accident, and secondly if we’re to talk about respect, the game began this way. It’s disrespectful to change the design like that, if anything. But we can rest easy that it’s a bug.


Times change.

The game also started with a faction wall, it looks like that wall may crumble next expansion.

So, yeah, times change, friend.

Sorry, I’m not convinced that your argument completely considers the health of such a decision. It seems like my point is in favor of the integrity of the game being preserved while you want to change things for political or out of game reasons.

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Sorry, I keep my politics at home. I don’t wear them on my sleeve.


I wonder how something like this is even possible.

Funny part is, gnome legs are so small that it doesn’t even look that bad on them:


Meamwhile, you can outright hide tops and run around shirtless or in a bra if you want to, so there’s that. Do bare legs really offend you that much?

Contrary to your statement, the “e-booty” wasn’t what was censored. On top of that, Paletress’s boots cover up the lower half, making any texture (or lack thereof) completely irrelevant with regards to emulating her outfit.

On top of that, there’s still several shades of furry underwear available, so there’s that too.


Mog hunting is an endgame thing to do for many players.

Take the 120 back to old areas and mow the mobs down for a really really low drop chance.

And the skimpy ones are usually on the list to not be the same item we have in 5 colors or something a tad different ,but Not really.


Sure if you say so. Keep wasting your breath trying to be a internet toughie over pixels. :clap:

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As much as I’d like to believe this is a bug I fully expect it was an intentional change. They’ll just say they’re looking into it and let it drag out until we all forget about it and move on to the next thing they do to piss people off.