8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

Lol, like I’d actually forget about a single piece of skimpy armor and not legit pester them incessantly until it’s restored.


They changed my lovely boots on my paladin too. Without any warning!

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I kept the new ugly appearance on my mage specifically so I’d stay irked about it.

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What boots and what changed about them? Did you put in a bug report?

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So, you know how trolls basically turn every pair of boots into shin guards?

There were a (rare) few that actually retained their soles and covered the entire foot. (Basically two models in total; along with recolors)

If you watch the trailer where Malfurion & Tyrande are murdering Horde soldiers, you’ll even see some trolls wearing those boots.

Anyway, Blizzard turned them into shin guards.

Oof, I’m sorry. >.<

Go on and put a thread in the Bug Report Forum naming the pieces and how they have changed, if you’ve not done so already.
I hope they get fixed for you soon.


I’ll give it a shot!

The latest PTR build shows the pants of the Naaru as having the white texture rather than the transparent texture. The change is not a bug: It is intentional.

Yeah. Thats what I suspected. Yet again fun was detected.

I mean really why bother farming transmog appearances when at any moment some jerk at Blizzard can get triggered and just change it.


Well this sucks.

I really hope we’re not getting Hearthstone level nerfs. They nerfed Jaina’s boobs, got rid of succubus, changed the art on like 6 other cards. All this after 5 years and no complaints or comments from anyone.

Reasoning: It was the direction they were taking the game. I hope it’s not true for WoW.


Why on Azeroth would they randomly break a single color of a skin that’s been in the game forever and leave every other color of that skin untouched? And why would they confirm that they are “looking into” the changed appearance if they did it on purpose?

That makes absolutely no sense. It’s a bug.


My money is on censorship.

Funny how things have come full circle. I can turn many children into orphans and wives into widows, but if I show some thigh, I’m crossing lines.

And I don’t like those mogs anyway, just annoying to see this garbage.


They also censored the daisy dukes from a human female npc on classic. Petty move on Blizzards part. Must have some feminist or SJW’s on staff for WOW.


it was because of china. They hate skimpyness of any degree and to allow HS in china(biggest potential market) they had to censor some things China pointed out they rejected the game for initially, Worst part is they changed it for ALL regions because of 1 region…

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Get the Wendigo Woolies for a skimpy profile mog! Sorry, China! twirl

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I was told this was a rumour but I think you’re right. It just doesn’t make logical sense otherwise.

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If it were a bug, I would have seen it restored to original on the current PTR build.


And here we have a stunning example of what happens when ignorant people have free reign on public forums.

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You believe this…why?

What makes you think a relatively unimportant bug like this would be one of the first things they fixed on a new PTR build?

When was the PTR even updated last?


Have the plate Templar’s Legplates and Murkblood Avenger’s Legplates also been changed? Did they always have the back upper thigh covered?

Same with the Hyperion Legplates and their variants?

The mail Ornate Leggings also seem to have had their cut out sections filled in. Masterwork Legplates and potentially also the Formidible Legguards also seem to have been altered.

Or is it just me?

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