8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

Does it start with an A?

Looks terrible.



For the sake of us all I’ll leave it at that,the mark of the wicked wench of the net. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Honestly I think it’d be sweet if these pants models looked the same on the males as it does on the females. This game seriously needs some banana hammocks. Seriously Blizz why can’t my male gnome run around in a thong and ruby shades? Make it happen.


…and suddenly I find myself with an unexpected prudish streak.

If you are wearing skimpy armor for any other reason besides it being part of your clan’s pasttime as we refuse to show weakness through large ammounts of unecessary armor to hide behind, you sicken me.

Dont culturally appropriate my loincloth.

sexy gnome /dance

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They’re in California. It’s more than Karens.


Is it possible it’s an unintended bug? You know, spaghetti coding and all.


Pretty sure now that it is just a bug on one particular skin affecting three different armor pieces that share that certain skin.

I wonder what part of the game is linked to these pieces, that had them change like this. And what other parts of the game inadvertently affect seemingly random other things, lol.

I went and put in a thread in the Bug Report forum about this. Hope it gets fixed soon.


i just want more plate-kini outfits and big glorious swords to wield… but trying to google them takes me to wierd places on the internet and wowhead has not been much help:(

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Noo, we need more skimpy options for men and women of Azeroth (and Draenor…and Argus). Not fewer!

Options are a good thing.


Lull you dont need bikini armor to flaunt it.

jeez, and i dont wear and i know too Flaunt it…

[quote=“Ugrumag-wyrmrest-accord, post:71, topic:310557”]
Dont culturally appropriate my loincloth.
[/quote]That is why I no longer use one :slight_smile:

Late to the party I know, but as a returning player who’s always liked Pants of the Naaru for its uniqueness, I’m disappointed and I hope this is just a bug. Blizzard pls?

I mean, if I can hide chest pieces now (something I thought would never happen) why am I being denied the right to show some leg? They’re not private parts, they’re legs.

Has Blizzard confirmed anywhere that this was an intentional change and not some bug they just forgot about? Then again, since Watcher’s Tunic has had broken sleeves since it was added, I…don’t expect this to change. What a shame.

RIP Pants of the Naaru


It doesnt matter how nerffed I, bignasty, could make them look goood

When sylvanas said we are all toys in tin armor she was foreshadowing the nerf to armorkinis


No fun allowed


I think the change was intentional. When I copied my priestess to the PTR during early testing, I noticed that the Pants of the Naaru had an untextured red area on the thighs and lower leg.