8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

I don’t recall them being shorts before… Pretty sure I would have noticed if they were.

I kinda want the Spiritshroud changes to stay put, for male and female toons.
But the Pants of the Naaru really do need to be fixed.


Just keep reporting it as a bug. We finally got our Crown of Faith back to the way it was. I’m still working on getting them to fix the two versions of the mail fire crown from Firelands that they messed up.


Well, they still have yet to fix the broken Mythic BrF priest helmet for female gnomes:
I doubt that transmog problems are very high on their list of things that they care about…


OMG help this bug has ruined ALL my cloth transmogs :frowning: this is terrible!

Blizzard fix this NOW and go back to how it was before this most recent patch!!!


I hope that’s the case!

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I checked the other cloth pieces of legs and armors. Didn’t seem to be anything else?


Yes! You’re right! I am perve!:smiling_imp:


Is it possible we can get a blue post to respond to this fashion emergency?!

I’ve already submitted a bug report and cited this thread as a more in depth explination.

I don’t understand whey sharia law is being enforced upon us! It’s sexist!


lol Don’t hold your breath. They only usually respond to major issues…if at all.

To me it looks like the lower part of the leggings were replaced with human skin textures…


I multi-whatever this! I have this on my priest alt. Please change it back!


There’s a lot of mid-age Karens that work at Blizzard and they decided in 2019 its time to start censoring knees and ankles. Its time to start a petition to have all the Karens working at Blizz to be let go.


How about more equal skimpiness for gents and ladies?.. such as the NElf archer armor


I’m kind of surprised there isn’t a massive petitioning campaign to get Blizzard to simply allow you to hide pants on toons.

I mean, is there really a sound argument against not allowing that at this point?

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This kind of highlights the sheer programmatic insanity that has to be WoW’s underlying code and engine.

WTF could they have possibly touched that would have caused this? None of this should have been on the radar - there’s no reason why any of this should have been addressed. Unless Blizzard’s been infiltrated by Victorian Puritans on a crusade against digital thighs, this may well just be a bug, and… what?

“Well, on one hand, we’ve put together a few really nice in-game graphics rendered cutscenes. On the other hand, we’ve accidentally regressed a few of the more revealing outfits as though we were the PTA overseeing a prom dresscode.”

How does that even work? Why? What manner of spaghetti code could have caused this madness…?

Between insanity like this and the whole, “it took more than a decade to increase the default backpack space,” I fear looking at WoW’s source would be like looking into the Ark of the Covenant, Indiana Jones style.


Can team B get anything right?

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I’m a shy little grandma with 98 characters each mogged in different styles, and I’m disappointed and disgusted that Blizzard has allowed someone to crudely ruin our mogs like this just to enforce more covering up of female toons.

If the inartistic prig who vandalised Pants of the Naaru and other items wants to live under Sharia law, I’m sure he knows where to go.


Such a tragedy.

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It wouldn’t be the WoW transmog system without arbitrary and unnecessary restrictions. We still can’t mog daggers into/from other one-handed weapons even after all these years.