8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

Did you just assume my profession?

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Oh no. Not Ion. Using his name just gets you suspended from the forums for a short while. The person I’m talking about would probably get your entire in game account deleted.

Kotick? He just goes for the gnome girls, from what I hear.

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Then he has impeccable taste.


There’s someone far more powerful and far more nefarious than him. But alas, I’ve said too much.

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Im female and enjoy skimpy mogs.

Sorry we’re not all prudes.


I’m a woman and I definitely have a few scantly clad ladies. I think it’s very amusing! ~.^

I also have women in full plate too. It’s all preference! Stop demonizing sexuality, a person shouldn’t be ashamed of their beauty or booty. =p


Are Warbear Woolies okay?

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RL female in skimpymog also, here! I was so jazzed when you could hide shirts. SO JAZZED.


They look to be fine, unchanged.

I didn’t notice other changed gear on the quick browse through that I did, but if anyone sees a piece of their outfit is different, please say so.


Honestly who cares, aside from like 10 people? This is warcraft not a beauty pageant with a swimsuit section.

Worgen have had a rather… peculiar loss of skimpy. Certain plate and mail armorkini leggings were rather thonglike in the back, somewhat strappy in the front-- almost Brazilian in cut. (The beaches, not the players. I make no judgement on Brazilian players, only their swimwear.) This, quite honestly, worked on Worgen for some reason.

Now the fronts on some have been widened, and the rears have expanded to cover the buttcheeks rather thoroughly. It’s especially egregious on classics such as Bloodscale and Radiant.

I call for a return to those cuts of leggings.


Edit: After checking, the same is true of cloth scanty cuts as well… the fundament is fundamentally concealed more than before (although not to the same extent). Leather, however, seems less changed so far, but that’s likely because most leather leggings are at most short shorts. Shaggy shot shorts, nothing that fits sleekly. The cheeks are still not free.


Pretty sure if that happened, it’s because of the way textures are mapped onto the new models, and not anything deliberate.


Good, nerf them until they’re fully covered.

Hopefully this wasn’t intentional. There aren’t many skimpy things to choose from. If people wish to show skin let them, its not hurting anyone.


You know, thinking about it, I think something like this is exactly what happened, and it may not be intentional. (At least that’s what I really really hope happened.) I assume that previously when a female character equipped that item, it had no texture file to reference there, so it just left it empty. But now it sees that there’s no texture file there and references the male file instead…


Are also changed as well. Instead of having that entire lower leg texture, it’s just the shin and ankle texture now. It’s really looking like something happened with this specific version of this specific texture…


That might be so. I gave another peek to the Spiritshroud Leggings and that change mirrors the male version as well.
Were the Spiritshroud Leggings shorts on a male before? They are now.


Blizzard needs to stop being so garterist


I seriously doubt they were shorts. It would have been amazing, though.

I miss vanilla insignia leggings. Also one of the nerfed items.