[8.2.5] "Azeroth is free!"

So what? You still would have if she hadn’t. Or are you going to pretend that if she hadn’t that the Forsaken would still be living there under the Alliance?

The Alliance attacked, the Horde lost the city. The end result is the same. All Sylvanas did is make it so the Alliance couldn’t move in afterwards.

“that city that we lost and we didn’t avenged AGAIN.”

No mention of civilians in your original post. You complained you weren’t avenged for the loss of a city, and you were.

so what? that blizzard robbed us from agency again.
We could not defend teldrassil.
and we could not capture lordaeron and the one responsible for it.

we could not avenge those who died either, because the one who did it is still escaping justice.
Aka “we didn’t avenged the city”.
it happened with garrosh, it is happening again. and so did with gilneas.

can you at least admit that they don’t even let us kill the ones who actually destroy it in the first place?


Oh absolutely. That ***** gettin’ off scot-free.

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Yeah pretty much though i honestly have quit before and cash is toght so like i said they need to get me very hype to stay on.


When people make reference to the burning of Teldrassil and the loss of the city of Darnassus they are most assumably not talking about simply the land, but the deaths that happened there. That’s what people want avenged.

And likewise why the story puts practically no emphasis on the loss of Lordaeron because it wasn’t a tragic loss of people for the Horde.

You can point out when people take the shorthand and don’t write all that out and instead just say “city” for Teldrassil (which is double shorthand because Teldrassil was a lot more than just one city), but that would be missing the spirit of their posts and just nitpicking the letter of their posts instead.


So was Undercity. It’s not like Brill still exists either.

The only thing we know is that Sylvanas knew that the Alliance was coming for her before they did and she had the foresight to evacuate Undercity. Nothing suggests Brill’s civilians were overlooked. And considering it might have added more drama to the story, I doubt Blizzard overlooked Brill either.


I assumed Amadis was talking about how Teldrassil was an entire newbie zone, with multiple villages, not just the city of Darnassus. And I was referring to how Brill was also destroyed during the attack on Undercity.

Though Deathknell is seemingly still standing.

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No, but Deathknell and the Bulwark still do.

And we don’t have anything saying many if any Forsaken died at Brill or if they all evacuated before the Alliance got there.


No, I’ve been under the impression that Sylvanas is either in league with or subordinate to some higher power. Helya, perhaps?

Where He Fell:

Vol’jin: Sometin’ not be right dat day. Da demons, deir blades slipped past me guard.
Vol’jin: As if da loa demselves had forsaken me.
Vol’jin: Like dey be doin’ now. Cannot hear dem, champion. Da voices of da loa be silent.
Vol’jin: I been callin’ ta Bwonsamdi for a long time. He not be hearin’ me… or he been choosin’ not ta answer.
Vol’jin: Somethin’ was definitely helping’ our enemies dat day. But who or what could dat have been? Da loa were silent and their powers were gone, as if I’d lost their favor. With so much death, I be havin’ one person in mind who might be behind it.

Where He Died:

Vol’jin: I remember dyin’. I remember glimpsin’ da Other Side.
Vol’jin: I was expectin’ ta see ol’ Bwonsamdi, or Shadra, or Hir’reek… any of da loa.
Vol’jin: Dere was a presence. Somethin’ movin’ in da shadows. Somethin’ powerful.
Vol’jin: I remember it takin’ me somewhere, but da memory of where be hidden from me. Ta keep me from sharin’ da truth…
Vol’jin: Da truth dat it might not be da loa who wanted Sylvanas to be warchief, but somethin’ far more powerful.

Mysteries of Death:

Vol’jin: Da Lich King didn’t bring me back. Eyir be claimin’ she don’t got da mojo. Bwonsamdi be as confused as da rest of us. And none of dem were eager ta see Sylvanas in charge.


Possibly but let’s not forget N’Zoth’s words: “The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”

The Void Lords speaking to Alleria states that Sylvanas seeks the end of all things all realities on top of serving the true enemy.

Sylvanas could be the enemy of all with the Light striking a bargain with her even if the true enemy didn’t reveal it’s list of names to her(the Naaru withheld their Void state from the Army of the Light so their master probably would hide it’s aliases from Sylvanas if it could help it).

The enemy of all isn’t Death since N’Zoth’s Twilight’s Hammer followers as well as his Undead Adherent of the Abyss mentions Death as a good thing as does N’Zoth’s servant Il’gynoth.

The Old Gods live only to turn the worlds they infest into places of Death and Despair according to Chronicle so the Old Gods and the Dark Spirits that are their Void Lord masters are aligned with Death to begin with.

Well in Before the Storm, the novel, Sylvanas is ignorant of all that. She actually believes Voljin was killed and picked her because of some Loa vision. So she is not in the know about any of this either.

She thinks upon Voljin and his death, to herself. So unless she is lying to herself in her own mind, she was not aware of that scheme when it went down.

There is an outside party responsible for what happened to Voljin and putting Sylvanas in charge. But calling it due to “her secret boss” seems a bit much, since she isnt even aware of the scheme in BtS.


Everything we know so far supports the leaks that Sylvanas was in league with Helya and according to the writers, she has a plan, and the writers love her so she won’t die. Plus shes worth a fortune in franchising in WoW.

So the most likely scenario, Sylvanas teamed up with Helya is actually trying to save Azeroth. Not neccesarily because they are the “good guys” but there own existence is linked to Azeroth still being alive. The Lich King, Helheim, the Halls of Valor, the Emerald Dream, the Shadowlands, and every other realm on Azeroth.

The question is how will they explain the genocides, did Sylvanas need to kill a required number of people and deliver them into Helyas hands in order for her to fortify her realm against the void, and make way for the Champions that were going to be sent to her? Or did Sylvanas feel it was the easiest way to simply send everyone to the afterlife, and draw everyone in a massive death trap, since they were going to be corrupted anyway otherwise? (Since being alive they are corruptable by the old gods)

I’m wondering if Blizzard will bother explaining it at all.

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She was also against the idea of becoming Warchief as it meant she would have a harder time scheming from the shadows.

That’s a grim possibility but it places too much importance on Sylvanas and reminds me of the supposed leak were Elune herself aids Sylvanas. It’s just dumb. Like trying to make us believe that Illidan was on par with Sargeras at the end of Legion.

I don’t believe they mention anything about foul play in Vol’jin’s death. Other than that, Sylvanas’ primary thoughts with regards to Vol’jin (as I recall) are of her waffling desire that he’d not named her his successor.

All the same, it’s not required that she know of a plan to be its beneficiary (or puppet). Her secret master could’ve been the one to arrange for Vol’jin’s demise if having her as Warchief is all according to plan.

Geez. That’s a sobering thought. Everyone’s familiar with plot armor, but Merchandising Armor is an even worse aftertaste.

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