8.1 Patch Content

This has got to be the most underwhelming patch they have ever released. You know WoW has hit rock bottom when pet battles are one of the main highlights of the patch survival guide :frowning:

-Still no access to new races
-No real war mode balance
-Time gating literally all content past the patch date (raid, races, full war campaign quests)
-Horrible spec balance

Why would I resub or even stay subbed (if your one the few who still is) for this? This is the kind of release patch I expect from a company like hi-rez (whos games are free to play and have patches similar to this every 2-3 weeks), not from a monthly subscription game from blizzard.

After blizzcon’s diablo immortal debacle, and now this lacklustre content patch, I don’t think I can support the monthly fee model anymore. I’ve played since vanilla and its just sad how much has changed/been pruned overtime for the worse :confused:

Were literally paying a monthly fee for disappointment and bare minimum content.


16 GB… for what?


I don’t know about “most underwhelming” but man they sure are milking this allied race thing.


Everything we are getting should of been in BFA at launch.

idk what to think.


Well people will just mention the selfie camera patch as if it’s an excuse to never be disappointed about a WoW patch.


I do but i’ll get banned if i write it down.


i agree, the gating connect behind rep walls is the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen. ive been playing since 2005 and every xpack came with either two new races (that were playable from when you downloaded the xpack) or a new class. and a new continent with a story.
now for some reason they seem to think that 60$ should only get you … well nothing. it gets you nothing imho.

just give the races promised when purchasing the xpack and have the rest … rep gating behind at least “revered” at most. by the you’re all done with the story your that close to revered anyways so whats the big deal. we’d still have to run the full content of the new zones to unlock them. sry rant over

P.S. as for the story… just f’ing let us play through instead of f’ing grinding through Wq’s ( which are daily’s for crying out load. hated them ,… guese what… still hate them lol) and let us just play through without having pre req’s. this is a game not a job, stop making me feel like i have to log in and grind for 2 weeks just to get to the next chapter. its like buys harry potter or the new star wars saga and reading 6 chapters b4 it pops up saying you need to do 100/hrs of community service b4 unlocking the next chapter


I’ve been saying all day, the selfie camera patch was bad, but at least the classes felt good and you could go do older content.

That’s how bad it is right now. It makes the selfie cam patch better by comparison.


Its just sad how out of touch the developers are across all their games now.

Pushing things like Pepe, pet battles and the selfie cam as content, while expecting us to pay 18 dollars a month (if your Canadian) just to run around and be disapointed by time gated content that I have to pay more for (hence to keep us subbed longer!).

At this point I think its fair to say that all of blizzards in game payment transactions are predatory in nature, and that this in essence going forward is going to be their permament model. How much they can monetize their games over every quarter has officially taken precedent over making actual decent games. I wouldn’t be surprised if Warcraft 3 reforged is riddled with skin micro transactions when it comes out.


oh god please no! i just hope they remake it and add in the bnet system for match making and leave it alone. i can ignore the store\ part if they add it.

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Eh. Rep bonuses and reduced xp requirements are pretty cool. New earfront and invasions sound good too.


as bad as it is, that award still is held on tightly by WoD.

Daily reminder, that a “Major” content patch of wod consisted of pepe the bird, a selfie camera, and twitter integration. That was brought to you by the same dev team that made BfA, IE the B Team.


I don’t even consider this WoW anymore, they must have had a huge exodus of employees pre WoD. The direction its going in is too different and not worth the price it costs.


dont worry next xpac will better thats usally how it goes. fail one re kindle alittle of what they had next xpac

Yeah I think most people that have been disappointed in BfA would say that this patch does improve some things but it just doesn’t hit home with the big issues like class design.

I’ve noticed a lot of people say things like “I love this game but class design and Azerite armor are terrible” or they bring up other things with BfA, which just shows that even staunch supporters are reasonably upset.

To be fair though, as much as I dislike Azerite and classes right now, I don’t expect them to overhaul anything in a big way until 9.0.

The damage is kind of done… they will make what they think are little improvements until then but much like in the way WoD was abandoned, I know that they have already started on the next expansion and BfA is an afterthought and has already been put in maintenance mode.

Maybe the later patches will alleviate some of the boredom people are facing though.


Huh. Like heal the scars (Barrens), rework classes back to the original trees, add alternate XP trees for post 80 or whatever, delete scaling, ilevel scaling, delete sharding, and fall back in love with their game that they’ve completely ruined.

“We love WOW; however, we just want to fundamentally transform it.”

Yeah, okay.


What “warmode imbalance” do you speak of? The fact that there are a lot more horde players than there are alliance? That’s not the fault of warmode itself, sure maybe there are racial imbalances but that doesn’t have to do with warmode.

Also, you do know that raids literally NEVER come out on their respective patch date, right? This isn’t new at all.
The war campaign is a continuation of the story much like how in Legion, the suromar storyline continued with the patches, so was the suromar story time gated? Was the broken shore and Argus time gated because we didn’t get it on day one? There is a storyline that blizzard has in mind and content will release to match the progression of that story line.

Like it or not, this is a Role Playing Game after all.

this trend only started in legion, and got worse in BfA, this was not how story modes worked in previous patches. They laid it all out for you to do. Then it continued when raid content was launched.


White knights starting to invade the thread already :frowning:

Activision has ruined this franchise by putting monetization over quality. If you cant handle the reality then keep forking over your paychecks to them for digital mounts and battle pets.


Lol I would love to see some of these things reverted or brought back to older designs I enjoyed too but sadly I don’t see it happening :disappointed_relieved: