Sure, but all humiliation is subjective. Humiliation is an emotion, you can’t objectively state something is experienced the same by all people.
What I can objectively say though is that Blizzard’s narrative paints what the Horde is doing as bad and has our own faction heroes telling us we’re bad people for doing it.
A military campaign that Saurfang, a character Blizzard has dedicated massive amounts of time and money into showcasing, tells us not to feel good about.
That’s definitely a different spin on it. What I see is the Horde strategically out maneuvering the Alliance and still failing to overcome the night elves’ token defenses because of how vastly inferior we are to them martially.
What I would have preferred is a story where we didn’t need to trick the night elves away from their forest to win. I would have preferred a longer campaign with a lot of give and take as the night elves push the Horde back in key locations while the Horde press elsewhere, each side having an opportunity to show their martial prowess and intelligence.
For the record, that is also what I would have liked at Lordaeron. The Alliance not being dumb and wandering into a killing field without Blight protection. The Horde actually standing against the Alliance forces under their own merits before ultimately being forced to fall back. No random flying boats.
Apples and oranges. Teldrassil was harsh, but so is your own leader deciding to kill her own troops and then raise them as undead before your very eyes. Then I get to watch her make fun of Saurfang’s dead son.
And this is the character leading my faction.
Everything we’re discussing is up to preference. You don’t like what happened to the night elves, but another night elf player might enjoy being the underdog forced to fight for their land against the evil Horde and is looking forward to 8.1. As I said, I am certainly considering leveling my night elf for just that.
I did read your post. You addressed these points by dismissing them as subjective or trying to assign an objective value you feel it warrants while insisting your own emotions hold a greater value.
All I can do in response to that is explain my own feelings and hope that you come to understand where I am coming from, because it is impossible to assign an objective value on something like “humiliation”.
You keep talking about false equivalency because you feel the Horde posters are arguing in bad faith, but you’re not considering the possibility that their frustration is comparable to yours and that you just can’t feel it because it isn’t happening to you.
We all have things we hate about the current story. Arguing about who’s grass is greener is doomed to become a circular argument that does nothing but foster resentment because neither side can be objectively right.