8.1: Jaina Sinks A Horde Fleet

Seems to me you’re the one doing the screaming about not liking what is being given to you.


Welcome to the forums.
Where we voice our displeasure.

Except when we apparently aren’t allowed.


I didn’t say you are not allowed. Don’t be dramatic.
But lets put everything in context and stop operating on two different planes of reality where the Alliance won prepatch or some other nonsense.

Well yeah…that’s part of what the anti-war horde posters here have been complaining about. It sucks to be written in a way where you feel like the faction is incapable of being anything but a detriment to the game world as a whole and the alliance has to spare you despite your own idiocy.

The War of Thorns might have been a militaristic victory, but as a horde player who isn’t sold on the faction war, the whole story is doomed from the start because all of these “victories” are things that actively make me feel bad and discouraged for being made to be part of it.


Lets not be over dramatic here and pretend anyone on this thread has stated the Alliance actually won the WoT.


I though you were arguing the Alliance got a moral victory and cheapen the entire pre-patch event.

Honestly I would not mind a war, there is a lot of bad blood since Cataclysm (that are still relevant since they are all still current content).
If BFA started with the Alliance blaming Sylvanas for Varian’s death despite it not being really their fault would have been a way better start.

Update zones like Ashenvale, Barrens, Hillsbrad and Silverpine into massive warzones on each side where we can capture towns which unlocks new content temporarily.
Make it an interesting content and one patch in Teldrassil is burned for more of a reason than getting smack talked.

You blow up something. We blow up something.
And let it go on for a while and when people have had enough blood then we end the expansion by joining together to end a new threat.

But these this expansion fails to deliver that.
Did we really need yet ANOTHER Night Elf tragedy? Hasn’t there been enough?
Do we really need every victory cheapened by some betrayal, some death or some silly moral dilemma thats not even relevant?

I guess not. And thats BFA’s problem.

ok guys i don’t know if this belongs here or if this deserves his own thread.

but… is the kultiran fleet intact?
because basing on this video, it seems like only the proudmoore flagship and some alliance ships attacks zandalar, so is not even the full force of the alliance.

so the alliance lose any other ship apart from those who will be lost in the raid?

apparently that is why the alliance retreats before the calvary arrive.
can we agree that this will be our fistbump moment?

They are shaming moments to the Horde.

No, I think both sides hate it. That is a thing that happens.


No, I said it wasn’t a Horde victory it was a Sylvanas victory. Everything will be put on Sylvanas and not the Horde. Again the Horde is suppose to have the reaction Varok had. It was yet another yoinks moment against the Horde. Almost got a clean victory against a city, but the soon to be raid boss goes and messes everything up.

The fact remains the Horde player isn’t meant to take the WoT as a fist pump moment. We see this as the civil war is about to start and the splintering is happening yet again.


Don’t worry. Jaina’s not going to kill Rommath. That honor belongs to Umbric.

Those ships… dont look like Kul Tiran ships.

No, that is only the flagship in the front, all the others are from the alliance.

I wish these fleets and ships actually meant something in this stupid war.
Why make them such an important issue but refuse to use them for anything besides some reference during a cinematic or dialogue?


You could say the same for azerite.

Blizzard loves making us think things matter when they really don’t.


mi point was that the main kultiran fleet seems to be intact.

so that will make it more painful when it happens the “turn the tides :D”

Its just good business…

I suddenly want to see a Battlefleet Gothic style game set in the Warcraft universe.

I would settle for something like this WoW style.

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No, it isn’t.